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We give a quality rating following a full review of the )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 252.87 Tm (service. We call this review a key inspection.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 218.87 Tm (This is a report of a )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 150.58 218.87 Tm (random)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 200.47 218.87 Tm (inspection)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 261.38 218.87 Tm ( of this care home. A )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 392.12 218.87 Tm (random inspection is a short, )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 201.87 Tm (focussed review of the service. Details of how to get other inspection reports for this care )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 184.87 Tm (home, including the last key inspection report, can be found on the last page of this report.)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 150.39 m 315.25 150.39 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 317.5 150.39 m 565.9 150.39 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 317.5 127.56 m 346.55 127.56 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 348.8 127.56 m 377.9 127.56 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 380.15 127.56 m 409.2 127.56 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 411.45 127.56 m 440.55 127.56 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 442.8 127.56 m 471.9 127.56 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 474.15 127.56 m 503.2 127.56 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 505.45 127.56 m 534.55 127.56 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 536.8 127.56 m 565.9 127.56 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 138.97 m 568.1 138.97 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 161.8 m 568.1 161.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 138.97 m 568.1 138.97 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 116.14 m 568.1 116.14 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 162.88 m 30.07 115.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 316.37 162.88 m 316.37 115.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 347.67 140.05 m 347.67 115.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 379.02 140.05 m 379.02 115.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 410.32 140.05 m 410.32 115.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 441.67 140.05 m 441.67 115.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 473.02 140.05 m 473.02 115.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 504.32 140.05 m 504.32 115.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 535.67 140.05 m 535.67 115.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 162.88 m 567.02 115.07 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 145.62 Tm (Lead inspector:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 320.35 145.62 Tm (Date:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 122.79 Tm (Lesley Plant)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 329.63 122.79 Tm (3)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 360.95 122.79 Tm (1)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 392.28 122.79 Tm (0)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 423.61 122.79 Tm (7)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 454.95 122.79 Tm (2)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 486.28 122.79 Tm (0)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 517.6 122.79 Tm (0)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 548.96 122.79 Tm (9)Tj ET endstream endobj 6 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]/XObject<>>>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> endobj 7 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 19.36 w 28.35 20.75 m 583.65 20.75 l S 0.001 w /F1 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 16.38 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 491.55 16.38 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.07 16.38 Tm (2)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 529.07 16.38 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 547.36 16.38 Tm (9)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 14 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 768.28 Tm (Information about the care home)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 746.8 m 274.61 746.8 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 276.86 746.8 m 580.25 746.8 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 90.9 w 31.2 688.81 m 274.61 688.81 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 90.9 w 276.86 688.81 m 580.25 688.81 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 630.82 m 274.61 630.82 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 276.86 630.82 m 580.25 630.82 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 607.99 m 274.61 607.99 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 276.86 607.99 m 580.25 607.99 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 585.16 m 274.61 585.16 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 276.86 585.16 m 580.25 585.16 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 562.33 m 274.61 562.33 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 276.86 562.33 m 580.25 562.33 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 735.39 m 582.46 735.39 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 642.23 m 582.46 642.23 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 619.41 m 582.46 619.41 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 596.58 m 582.46 596.58 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 573.74 m 582.46 573.74 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 758.22 m 582.46 758.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 735.39 m 582.46 735.39 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 642.23 m 582.46 642.23 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 619.41 m 582.46 619.41 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 596.58 m 582.46 596.58 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 573.74 m 582.46 573.74 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 550.91 m 582.46 550.91 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 759.29 m 30.07 549.84 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 275.73 759.29 m 275.73 549.84 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 581.38 759.29 m 581.38 549.84 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 742.03 Tm (Name of care home:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 279.71 742.03 Tm (The Lodge, Buckshaw Retirement Village)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 719.2 Tm (Address:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 279.71 719.2 Tm (Buckshaw Retirement Village )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 459.29 719.2 Tm (Oakbridge Drive)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 279.71 701.62 Tm (Buckshaw Village)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 279.71 684.04 Tm (Chorley)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 279.71 666.46 Tm (Lancashire)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 279.71 648.88 Tm (PR7 7EP)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 626.05 Tm (Telephone number:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 279.71 626.05 Tm (01772625000)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 603.22 Tm (Fax number:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 580.39 Tm (Email address:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 557.56 Tm (Provider web address:)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 521.61 Tm ()Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 35.16 w 31.2 494.83 m 353.25 494.83 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 35.16 w 355.5 494.83 m 565.9 494.83 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 464.71 m 353.25 464.71 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 355.5 464.71 m 565.9 464.71 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 441.89 m 353.25 441.89 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 355.5 441.89 m 565.9 441.89 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 476.13 m 568.1 476.13 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 453.3 m 568.1 453.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 513.54 m 568.1 513.54 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 476.13 m 568.1 476.13 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 453.3 m 568.1 453.3 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 430.47 m 568.1 430.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 514.62 m 30.07 429.39 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 354.37 514.62 m 354.37 429.39 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 514.62 m 567.02 429.39 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 497.36 Tm (Name of registered provider\(s\):)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 358.35 497.36 Tm (Oakbridge Retirement Villages )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 358.35 482.77 Tm (LLP)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 459.95 Tm (Type of registration:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 358.35 459.95 Tm (care home)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 437.11 Tm (Number of places registered:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 358.35 437.11 Tm (68)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 418.17 Tm ()Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 66.24 w 32.32 374.73 m 564.47 374.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 387.27 m 567.8 387.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 297.24 364.43 m 567.8 364.43 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 410.1 m 567.8 410.1 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 387.27 m 567.8 387.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 297.24 364.43 m 567.8 364.43 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 341.61 m 567.8 341.61 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 411.17 m 30.07 340.53 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 298.32 388.34 m 298.32 340.53 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 432.52 365.51 m 432.52 340.53 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 566.72 411.17 m 566.72 340.53 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 393.91 Tm (Conditions of registration:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 371.08 Tm (Category\(ies\) :)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 302.3 371.08 Tm (Number of places \(if applicable\):)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 302.3 348.25 Tm (Under 65)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 436.5 348.25 Tm (Over 65)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 326.82 m 297.25 326.82 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 299.5 326.82 m 429.25 326.82 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 431.5 326.82 m 565.9 326.82 l S 0.001 w 35.16 w 31.2 296.7 m 297.25 296.7 l S 0.001 w 35.16 w 299.5 296.7 m 429.25 296.7 l S 0.001 w 35.16 w 431.5 296.7 m 565.9 296.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 315.4 m 568.1 315.4 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 338.23 m 568.1 338.23 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 315.4 m 568.1 315.4 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 277.99 m 568.1 277.99 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 339.31 m 30.07 276.91 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 298.37 339.31 m 298.37 276.91 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 430.37 339.31 m 430.37 276.91 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 339.31 m 567.02 276.91 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 322.05 Tm (dementia)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 302.35 322.05 Tm (60)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 434.35 322.05 Tm (0)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 299.21 Tm (old age, not falling within any other )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 284.64 Tm (category)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 302.35 299.21 Tm (0)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 434.35 299.21 Tm (8)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 116.31 w 32.32 197.21 m 564.77 197.21 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 234.79 m 567.8 234.79 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 257.61 m 567.8 257.61 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 234.79 m 568.1 234.79 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 139.05 m 568.1 139.05 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 258.69 m 30.07 137.98 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 566.72 258.69 m 566.72 137.98 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 241.43 Tm (Conditions of registration:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 218.6 Tm (The registered person may provide the following category of service only: Care home )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 204.02 Tm (only - Code PC To people of the following gender: Either Whose primary care needs on )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 189.44 Tm (admission to the home are within the following categories: Old age, not falling within )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 174.86 Tm (any other category - Code OP \(maximum number of places: 8\) Dementia - Code DE )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 160.28 Tm (\(maximum number of places: 60\) The maximum number of people who can be )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 145.7 Tm (accommodated is: 68)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 31.2 124.26 m 315.25 124.26 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 317.5 124.26 m 346.55 124.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 348.8 124.26 m 377.9 124.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 380.15 124.26 m 409.2 124.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 411.45 124.26 m 440.55 124.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 442.8 124.26 m 471.9 124.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 474.15 124.26 m 503.2 124.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 505.45 124.26 m 534.55 124.26 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 536.8 124.26 m 565.9 124.26 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 135.68 m 568.1 135.68 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 112.85 m 568.1 112.85 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 136.76 m 30.07 111.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 316.37 136.76 m 316.37 111.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 347.67 136.76 m 347.67 111.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 379.02 136.76 m 379.02 111.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 410.32 136.76 m 410.32 111.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 441.67 136.76 m 441.67 111.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 473.02 136.76 m 473.02 111.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 504.32 136.76 m 504.32 111.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 535.67 136.76 m 535.67 111.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 136.76 m 567.02 111.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 119.5 Tm (Date of last inspection)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 328.2 119.5 Tm (3)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 359.53 119.5 Tm (0)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 390.86 119.5 Tm (1)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 422.18 119.5 Tm (2)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 453.53 119.5 Tm (2)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 484.86 119.5 Tm (0)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 516.18 119.5 Tm (0)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 547.53 119.5 Tm (8)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 17 w 31.2 100.97 m 565.9 100.97 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 91.35 m 568.1 91.35 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 92.43 m 30.07 34.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 92.43 m 567.02 34.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 110.6 m 568.1 110.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 91.35 m 568.1 91.35 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 35.8 m 568.1 35.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 111.68 m 30.07 90.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 111.68 m 567.02 90.27 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 97.42 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 177.31 97.42 Tm (care home)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 78.17 Tm (Buckshaw Retirement Village is located close to community facilities in Euxton, near )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 61.17 Tm (Chorley and provides three different living environments. Independent living, assisted )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 44.17 Tm (living and supported living, at The Lodge, which is registered to accommodate both )Tj ET endstream endobj 8 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> endobj 9 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 19.36 w 28.35 20.75 m 583.65 20.75 l S 0.001 w /F1 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 16.38 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 491.55 16.38 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.07 16.38 Tm (3)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 529.07 16.38 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 547.36 16.38 Tm (9)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 17 w 31.2 776.72 m 565.9 776.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 767.1 m 568.1 767.1 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 768.18 m 30.07 389.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 768.18 m 567.02 389.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 786.35 m 568.1 786.35 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 767.1 m 568.1 767.1 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 390.85 m 568.1 390.85 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 787.43 m 30.07 766.02 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.02 787.43 m 567.02 766.02 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 35.5 773.16 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 177.31 773.16 Tm (care home)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 756.16 Tm (older people and people with dementia. People living at The Lodge are able to access )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 739.16 Tm (certain amenities within the retirement village. The Lodge is a two storey building )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 722.16 Tm (made up of four communities or units, each comprising of 15 apartments. There are )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 705.16 Tm (studio partments, one bedroomed apartments and one two bedroomed apartment. The )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 688.16 Tm (different sized apartments and the registration categories, allow for couples or friends )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 671.16 Tm (with different support needs, to be accommodated. Each apartment is furnished and )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 654.16 Tm (equipped to a high standard. Assistive technology systems are in place, which can be )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 637.16 Tm (programmed according to individuals needs and wishes to provide a range of support )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 620.16 Tm (and monitoring. Each community has an open plan lounge, dining room, kitchen area )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 603.16 Tm (and activity room. There is also a reminiscence room, a quiet room and a large )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 586.16 Tm (bathroom with assisted bath and dressing area. The indoor 'market square' comprises )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 569.16 Tm (of a pet shop, bar, small cinema, general store, bakery, cafe, potting shed/gardening )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 552.16 Tm (shop and hairdressing salon. There is also a secure garden area with seating, shared )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 535.16 Tm (by all four communities or units. The Lodge has many design features which aid )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 518.16 Tm (orientation and recognition, promoting both independence and safety and has been )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 501.17 Tm (awarded the Gold Design Standard by the University of Stirling's Dementia Services )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 484.17 Tm (Development Centre, which develops services for people with dementia and promotes )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 467.17 Tm (dementia friendly design in buildings. Details of the range of fees and the services )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 450.17 Tm (covered by the fees can be obtained by contacting the manager of the )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 463.34 450.17 Tm (home.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 501.41 450.17 Tm ( )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 433.17 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 416.17 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.25 399.17 Tm ()Tj ET endstream endobj 10 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> endobj 11 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 19.36 w 28.35 20.75 m 583.65 20.75 l S 0.001 w /F1 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 16.38 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 491.55 16.38 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.07 16.38 Tm (4)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 529.07 16.38 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 547.36 16.38 Tm (9)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 14 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 745.27 Tm (What we found:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 1 1 1 RG 691.53 w 31.2 389.44 m 580.26 389.44 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 736.33 m 582.46 736.33 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 42.55 m 582.46 42.55 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 737.41 m 30.07 41.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 581.38 737.41 m 581.38 41.47 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 720.15 Tm (This visit was carried out in response to information received by the Care Quality )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 705.57 Tm (Commission which resulted in a safeguarding referral being sent to the local authority. )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 690.98 Tm (The information received related to an individual, who had stayed at The Lodge for a )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 676.41 Tm (period of respite care.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 661.83 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 647.24 Tm (The concerns related to;)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 632.66 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 618.09 Tm (The home's ability to meet the nursing needs of the individual and concern that relatives )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 603.51 Tm (and the individual's care team, in his area of residence were misled regarding the home's )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 588.92 Tm (ability to cater for this persons' needs.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 574.34 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 559.77 Tm (Concern that staff failed to identify problems early enough and failed to notify family )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 545.18 Tm (members of these problems at an early stage.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 530.6 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 516.03 Tm (Concerns regarding the qualifications of staff.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 501.45 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 486.86 Tm (Failing to meet the individuals mental and physical health care needs.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 472.29 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 457.7 Tm (Staff communicating information in a non professional manner.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 443.13 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 428.55 Tm (A joint visit, accompanied by the social worker assigned to the safeguarding referral was )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 413.96 Tm (made to The Lodge. The issues were discussed with the registered manager and records )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 399.39 Tm (were viewed. The registered manager provided a 'time-line' report, covering the pre )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 384.8 Tm (admission period through to the time when this individual was admitted to hospital.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 370.23 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 355.64 Tm (Two pre admission visits took place, when the individual came to The Lodge with )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 341.07 Tm (relatives. An assessment of needs was conducted during the second visit to the home. )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 326.48 Tm (Relatives informed the registered manager that the individual had been assessed as )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 311.9 Tm (requiring nursing care, by the care team in his area of residence. The registered manager )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 297.33 Tm (agreed to a period of respite care on a residential basis as it was felt that the )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 282.74 Tm (environment and the skills and training of staff would be able to meet this person's )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 268.17 Tm (needs. An application to provide nursing care had been submitted to the CQC, but this )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 253.59 Tm (had not yet been processed or agreed.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 239.01 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 224.43 Tm (As the individual had been assessed, by professionals who had been involved in his care )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 209.85 Tm (for some time, as requiring nursing care, this admission should not have been agreed. )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 195.26 Tm (This was a clear breach of the Care Homes Regulations 2001.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 180.68 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 166.1 Tm (It is acknowledged that as the care coordinator from the individual's area of residence )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 151.52 Tm (was pursuing funding for this placement, that this action supported the view that The )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 136.95 Tm (Lodge could meet this person's needs. No assessment, risk assessments or care plan was )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 122.36 Tm (received from the care coordinator. This information could have provided more detailed )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 107.79 Tm (background information, particularly regarding nursing care requirements, risks )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 93.21 Tm (associated with walking outside of the home and recent changes to medication.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 78.63 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 64.04 Tm (Admission took place on the 8th June. Records show good detail of the care provided )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 49.47 Tm (during the respite period. These records completed by staff also show that appropriate )Tj ET endstream endobj 12 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> endobj 13 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 19.36 w 28.35 20.75 m 583.65 20.75 l S 0.001 w /F1 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 16.38 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 491.55 16.38 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.07 16.38 Tm (5)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 529.07 16.38 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 547.36 16.38 Tm (9)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 1 1 1 RG 717.42 w 31.2 426.52 m 580.26 426.52 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 786.35 m 582.46 786.35 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 66.68 m 582.46 66.68 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 787.43 m 30.07 65.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 581.38 787.43 m 581.38 65.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 775.41 Tm (language was used to describe events. Between the 8th and 17th June records show that )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 760.84 Tm (staff were meeting the needs of this person regarding nutrition and personal care, )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 746.26 Tm (although at times there were some difficulties, staff were able to work with these and )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 731.67 Tm (achieve reasonable outcomes. On the 12th June an extension to the respite stay was )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 717.09 Tm (agreed with the care coordinator from the individual's area of residence.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 702.52 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 687.93 Tm (From the 18th June changes were recorded, in that the individual was less compliant in )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 673.35 Tm (accepting interventions such as with personal care and that at times had become angry. )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 658.78 Tm (From this time, up to discharge on the 23rd June difficulties in meeting individual needs )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 644.2 Tm (escalated. On 19th June the care coordinator was contacted regarding these problems )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 629.61 Tm (and a report was also faxed to this professional. A further extension of the respite stay )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 615.03 Tm (was agreed, to allow time for a more appropriate placement to be made. The Lodge )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 600.46 Tm (senior staff agreed to this on the understanding that support and if needed, family )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 585.88 Tm (intervention would be available. During the weekend of the 20th and 21st June records )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 571.29 Tm (show that senior staff had contact with various professionals to try to gain support and )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 556.72 Tm (medical attention for this service user. The on call GP did visit the service user on 21st )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 542.14 Tm (June, but was not able to conduct an examination and although asked, did not initiate a )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 527.55 Tm (Mental Health Act assessment. It was also explained that the care coordinator was )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 512.97 Tm (contacted and there may have been some misunderstanding regarding who was keeping )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 498.39 Tm (the family informed. It is clear from the records that The Lodge was no longer able to )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 483.82 Tm (meet the needs of the individual. On the 23rd June a Mental Health Act assessment took )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 469.23 Tm (place and the service user was taken to hospital. Records of medication administered )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 454.65 Tm (whilst at The Lodge were sent with him, with no copy being retained at the home.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 440.08 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 425.49 Tm (The registered manager acknowledged that improvements needed to be made and had )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 410.92 Tm (introduced certain procedures in response to the concerns raised. The assessment )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 396.33 Tm (procedure now emphasises the importance of, where possible, gaining information from )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 381.76 Tm (other health and social care professionals involved with the individual. Each file now )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 367.17 Tm (contains a record sheet, where all contact with relatives will be recorded by staff. This will )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 352.6 Tm (help to ensure that relatives are kept informed of any important issues and will provide a )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 338.02 Tm (useful chronological record of this important communication. Protocols have been agreed )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 323.43 Tm (with the local GP surgery, which is temporarily based in the same building as the care )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 308.86 Tm (home. These protocols include the temporary registration of respite service users and )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 294.27 Tm (agreements regarding out of hours emergencies/visits by the GP. The need to retain a )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 279.7 Tm (copy of medication records at the home has been emphasised to senior staff, who will )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 265.11 Tm (now photocopy these records before an individual is discharged to hospital or another )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 250.54 Tm (setting.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 235.96 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 221.38 Tm (The registered manager also confirmed that no service user assessed as requiring nursing )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 206.79 Tm (care would be admitted to the home, until this variation to the current registration has )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 192.21 Tm (been approved by CQC.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 177.63 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 163.05 Tm (Following this inspection visit further information, in the form of a record of telephone )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 148.48 Tm (contact, was received from the person who had raised the concerns with the CQC. )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 133.9 Tm (Information from this record was shared with the registered manager of The Lodge, who )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 119.32 Tm (agreed that the alleged incidents of staff communicating information in a non professional )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 104.74 Tm (manner would be addressed with the staff team.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 90.15 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.8 75.57 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 14 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 48.61 Tm (What the care home)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 14 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 175.95 48.61 Tm (does well:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr endstream endobj 14 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> endobj 15 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 19.36 w 28.35 20.75 m 583.65 20.75 l S 0.001 w /F1 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 16.38 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 491.55 16.38 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.07 16.38 Tm (6)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 529.07 16.38 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 547.36 16.38 Tm (9)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 1 1 1 RG 35.16 w 31.2 767.65 m 580.26 767.65 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 786.35 m 582.46 786.35 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 748.94 m 582.46 748.94 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 787.43 m 30.07 747.86 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 581.38 787.43 m 581.38 747.86 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 770.16 Tm (This inspection visit was carried out to look into specific areas of service provision and did )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 755.59 Tm (not look at others areas.)Tj ET /F1 14 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 727.49 Tm (What they could do better:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 1 1 1 RG 49.74 w 31.2 691.43 m 580.26 691.43 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 717.43 m 582.46 717.43 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 665.44 m 582.46 665.44 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 718.51 m 30.07 664.36 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 581.38 718.51 m 581.38 664.36 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 701.24 Tm (This inspection visit was carried out to look into specific areas of service provision and did )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 686.66 Tm (not look at other areas. The recommendations made at the last key inspection in )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 672.09 Tm (December 2008 were not assessed during this visit.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 647.13 Tm (If you want to know what action the person responsible for this care home)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 483.55 647.13 Tm (is taking )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 631.13 Tm (following this report, you can contact them using the details set out on page 2.)Tj ET endstream endobj 16 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> endobj 18 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 19.36 w 28.35 20.75 m 583.65 20.75 l S 0.001 w /F1 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 16.38 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 491.55 16.38 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.07 16.38 Tm (7)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 529.07 16.38 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 547.36 16.38 Tm (9)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 36.25 w 29.47 752.7 m 564.97 752.7 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 26.14 753.83 m 568.3 753.83 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 773.08 m 568.3 773.08 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 753.83 m 568.3 753.83 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 734.58 m 568.3 734.58 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 27.22 774.15 m 27.22 733.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 423.22 754.9 m 423.22 733.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 468.22 754.9 m 468.22 733.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 495.22 754.9 m 495.22 733.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 540.22 754.9 m 540.22 733.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.22 774.15 m 567.22 733.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 33.75 759.89 Tm (Are there any outstanding requirements from the last inspection?)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 429.75 740.64 Tm (Yes)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 476.37 742.58 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 501.75 740.64 Tm (No)Tj ET /F2 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 548.37 742.58 Tm (5)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 124.56 w 32.32 615.67 m 564.97 615.67 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 564.8 m 91.05 564.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 93.3 564.8 m 197.4 564.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 199.65 564.8 m 289.45 564.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 291.7 564.8 m 473.8 564.8 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 476.05 564.8 m 566.1 564.8 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 30.07 577.3 m 30.07 552.31 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.22 577.3 m 567.22 552.31 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 608.77 m 568.4 608.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 576.22 m 568.3 576.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.17 577.3 m 92.17 552.31 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 577.3 m 198.52 552.31 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.57 577.3 m 290.57 552.31 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 474.92 577.3 m 474.92 552.31 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 680.2 m 568.4 680.2 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 608.77 m 568.4 608.77 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 576.22 m 568.4 576.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 553.39 m 568.3 553.39 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 681.28 m 30.07 575.14 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.12 609.85 m 92.12 575.14 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 609.85 m 198.52 575.14 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.62 609.85 m 290.62 575.14 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 475.02 609.85 m 475.02 575.14 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.32 681.28 m 567.32 575.14 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 662.99 Tm (Outstanding statutory requirements)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 644.58 Tm (These are requirements that were set at the previous inspection, but have still not )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 629.99 Tm (been met.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 95.57 629.99 Tm ( )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 104.02 629.99 Tm (They say what the registered person had to do to meet the Care Standards )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 615.41 Tm (Act 2000, )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.58 615.41 Tm ( Regulations 2001 and the National Minimum Standards.)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 597.59 Tm (No.)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.1 594.59 Tm (Standard)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 594.59 Tm (Regulation)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.6 594.59 Tm (Requirement)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 594.59 Tm (Timescale for )Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 582.45 Tm (action)Tj ET endstream endobj 19 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> endobj 20 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 19.36 w 28.35 20.75 m 583.65 20.75 l S 0.001 w /F1 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 16.38 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 491.55 16.38 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.07 16.38 Tm (8)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 529.07 16.38 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 547.36 16.38 Tm (9)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 16 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 770.27 Tm (Requirements and recommendations from this inspection:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 754.85 Tm ()Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 108.12 w 32.32 692.47 m 564.97 692.47 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 649.83 m 91.05 649.83 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 93.3 649.83 m 197.4 649.83 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 199.65 649.83 m 289.45 649.83 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 291.7 649.83 m 473.8 649.83 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 476.05 649.83 m 566.1 649.83 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 30.07 662.32 m 30.07 637.34 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.22 662.32 m 567.22 637.34 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 693.79 m 568.4 693.79 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 661.24 m 568.3 661.24 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.17 662.32 m 92.17 637.34 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 662.32 m 198.52 637.34 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.57 662.32 m 290.57 637.34 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 474.92 662.32 m 474.92 637.34 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 748.78 m 568.4 748.78 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 693.79 m 568.4 693.79 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 661.24 m 568.4 661.24 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 638.41 m 568.3 638.41 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 749.86 m 30.07 660.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.12 694.87 m 92.12 660.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 694.87 m 198.52 660.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.62 694.87 m 290.62 660.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 475.02 694.87 m 475.02 660.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.32 749.86 m 567.32 660.17 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 732.6 Tm (Immediate requirements:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.02 Tm (These are immediate requirements that were set on the day we visited this care home. )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 700.44 Tm (The registered person had to meet these within 48 hours.)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 682.62 Tm (No.)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.1 679.62 Tm (Standard)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 679.62 Tm (Regulation)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.6 679.62 Tm (Requirement)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 679.62 Tm (Timescale for )Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 667.47 Tm (action)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 398.81 w 32.32 399.39 m 564.97 399.39 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 183.96 w 31.2 406.39 m 91.05 406.39 l S 0.001 w 183.96 w 93.3 406.39 m 197.4 406.39 l S 0.001 w 183.96 w 199.65 406.39 m 289.45 406.39 l S 0.001 w 183.96 w 291.7 406.39 m 473.8 406.39 l S 0.001 w 183.96 w 476.05 406.39 m 566.1 406.39 l S 0.001 w 111.06 w 31.2 256.64 m 91.05 256.64 l S 0.001 w 111.06 w 93.3 256.64 m 197.4 256.64 l S 0.001 w 111.06 w 199.65 256.64 m 289.45 256.64 l S 0.001 w 111.06 w 291.7 256.64 m 473.8 256.64 l S 0.001 w 111.06 w 476.05 256.64 m 566.1 256.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 28.99 313.29 m 568.3 313.29 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 500.58 m 30.07 198.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.22 500.58 m 567.22 198.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 532.05 m 568.4 532.05 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 499.5 m 568.3 499.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.17 500.58 m 92.17 198.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 500.58 m 198.52 198.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.57 500.58 m 290.57 198.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 474.92 500.58 m 474.92 198.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 601.04 m 568.4 601.04 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 532.05 m 568.4 532.05 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 499.5 m 568.4 499.5 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 313.29 m 568.3 313.29 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 199.98 m 568.3 199.98 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 602.12 m 30.07 498.42 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.12 533.13 m 92.12 498.42 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 533.13 m 198.52 498.42 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 290.62 533.13 m 290.62 498.42 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 475.02 533.13 m 475.02 498.42 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.32 602.12 m 567.32 498.42 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 587.85 Tm (Statutory requirements)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 567.85 Tm (These requirements set out what the registered person must do to meet the Care )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 553.28 Tm (Standards Act 2000, )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 166.31 553.28 Tm (Regulations 2001 and the National Minimum Standards. The )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 538.7 Tm (registered person\(s\) must do this within the timescales we have set.)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 520.88 Tm (No.)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.1 517.88 Tm (Standard)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 517.88 Tm (Regulation)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.6 517.88 Tm (Requirement)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 517.88 Tm (Timescale for )Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 479 505.73 Tm (action)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 483.32 Tm (1)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.15 483.32 Tm (9)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 483.32 Tm (17)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 483.32 Tm (A record must be kept of all )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 468.73 Tm (medication kept in the care )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 454.15 Tm (home and the date )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 439.58 Tm (medication was )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 424.99 Tm (administered.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 407.42 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 392.83 Tm (This will enable staff to )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 378.26 Tm (monitor the health care for )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 363.67 Tm (each service user. To fail to )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 349.1 Tm (do so would be an offence )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 334.52 Tm (under the Care Standards )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 319.93 Tm (Act 2000.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 478.9 483.32 Tm (07/08/2009)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 297.11 Tm (2)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.15 297.11 Tm (31)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.5 297.11 Tm (43)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 297.11 Tm (The Registered Person must )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 282.52 Tm (comply with all conditions of )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 267.95 Tm (registration.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 250.37 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 235.79 Tm (To fail to do so would be an )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 221.21 Tm (offence under the Care )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 294.55 206.63 Tm (Standards Act 2000.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 478.9 297.11 Tm (07/08/2009)Tj ET 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 110.55 w 32.32 122.08 m 564.97 122.08 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 78.22 m 91.05 78.22 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 93.3 78.22 m 197.4 78.22 l S 0.001 w 20.58 w 199.65 78.22 m 566.1 78.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 30.07 90.71 m 30.07 65.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.22 90.71 m 567.22 65.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 110.04 m 568.4 110.04 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 89.64 m 568.3 89.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.17 90.71 m 92.17 65.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.52 90.71 m 198.52 65.73 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 179.6 m 568.4 179.6 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 110.04 m 568.4 110.04 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 89.64 m 568.4 89.64 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 28.99 66.81 m 568.3 66.81 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 30.07 180.68 m 30.07 88.56 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 92.17 111.11 m 92.17 88.56 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 198.47 111.11 m 198.47 88.56 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 567.32 180.68 m 567.32 88.56 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 163.42 Tm (Recommendations)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 145.84 Tm (These recommendations are taken from the best practice described in the National )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 131.26 Tm (Minimum Standards and the registered person\(s\) should consider them as a way of )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 116.68 Tm (improving their service.)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 95.86 Tm (No)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 96.15 95.86 Tm (Refer to Standard)Tj ET /F1 10 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 202.45 95.86 Tm (Good Practice Recommendations)Tj ET endstream endobj 21 0 obj<>/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]>>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> endobj 22 0 obj <>stream 0 J 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 19.36 w 28.35 20.75 m 583.65 20.75 l S 0.001 w /F1 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 16.38 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 491.55 16.38 Tm (Page)Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.07 16.38 Tm (9)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 11 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 529.07 16.38 Tm ( of )Tj ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 547.36 16.38 Tm (9)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 14 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 768.28 Tm (Reader Information)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 746.8 m 229.46 746.8 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 231.71 746.8 m 581.74 746.8 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 723.97 m 229.46 723.97 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 231.71 723.97 m 581.74 723.97 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 701.14 m 229.46 701.14 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 231.71 701.14 m 581.74 701.14 l S 0.001 w 0.95294 0.95294 0.95294 RG 20.58 w 28.35 678.31 m 229.46 678.31 l S 0.001 w 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 231.71 678.31 m 581.74 678.31 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d 2.25 w 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 26.14 735.39 m 583.94 735.39 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 712.55 m 583.94 712.55 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 689.72 m 583.94 689.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 758.22 m 583.94 758.22 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 735.39 m 583.94 735.39 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 712.55 m 583.94 712.55 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 689.72 m 583.94 689.72 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 26.14 666.9 m 583.94 666.9 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 27.22 759.29 m 27.22 665.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 230.59 759.29 m 230.59 665.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d [] 0 d 2.25 w 582.86 759.29 m 582.86 665.82 l S 0.001 w [] 0 d /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 742.03 Tm (Document Purpose:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 234.56 742.03 Tm (Inspection Report)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 719.2 Tm (Author:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 234.56 719.2 Tm (Care Quality Commission)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 696.37 Tm (Audience:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 234.56 696.37 Tm (General Public)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 31.2 673.54 Tm (Further copies from:)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 234.56 673.54 Tm (0870 240 7535)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 335.41 673.54 Tm (\(telephone order line\))Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 652.59 Tm ()Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 638.01 Tm ()Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 623.42 Tm ()Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 78.9 w 25.8 581.46 m 563.3 581.46 l S 0.001 w /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 605.84 Tm (Our duty to regulate social care services is set out in the Care Standards Act 2000.)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 591.27 Tm (Copies of the National Minimum Standards )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 303.94 591.27 Tm (Care Homes for Older People can be )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 576.68 Tm (found at www.dh.gov.uk or got from The Stationery Office \(TSO\) PO Box 29, St )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 562.1 Tm (Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1GN. Tel: 0870 600 5522. Online ordering from )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 34.05 547.53 Tm (the Stationery Office is also available: www.tso.co.uk/bookshop)Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 526.95 Tm ()Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 509.36 Tm ()Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 494.79 Tm ()Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 480.2 Tm ()Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr 34.16 w 25.8 460.61 m 563.3 460.61 l S 0.001 w /F1 20 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 455.08 Tm (Helpline:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 20 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 420.92 Tm (Telephone:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 20 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 147.95 420.92 Tm (03000 616161)Tj ET /F1 20 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 389.27 Tm (Email:)Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 20 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 99.55 389.27 Tm (enquiries@cqc.org.uk)Tj ET /F1 20 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 357.61 Tm (Web: )Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 20 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 88.63 357.61 Tm (www.cqc.org.uk)Tj ET /F1 18 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 327.95 Tm ()Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 18 Tf BT 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35 299.21 Tm ()Tj ET 0.75294 0.75294 0.75294 RG 0.001 w 0 Tr /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 276.5 Tm (We want people to be able to access this information. If you would like a summary in a )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 259 Tm (different format or language please contact our helpline or go to our website.)Tj ET /F1 18 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 232.98 Tm ()Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 210.26 Tm (Copyright \(2009\) Care Quality Commission \(CQC\). This publication may be reproduced )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 192.76 Tm (in whole or in part, free of charge, in any format or medium provided that it is not used for )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 175.27 Tm (commercial gain. This consent is subject to the material being reproduced accurately and )Tj ET /F1 12 Tf BT 1 0 0 1 28.35 157.77 Tm (on proviso that it is not used in a derogatory manner or misleading context. 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