About the service: Pillar Nursing Placements is a domiciliary care agency registered to provide personal care. The agency office is based in the Upperthorpe area of Sheffield. The agency provides support with nursing personal care, domestic tasks and companionship. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) only inspects the regulated activity of ‘personal care’ being provided to people who use the service. However, we do take into account any wider social care provided. At the time of our inspection the service was providing personal care to one person. People’s experience of using this service:
People were safe, processes and practices protected people from abuse, there were enough staff to ensure people’s needs were met. Staff recruitment followed safe practices. We observed staff had time to provide care and support in a positive way. People’s medicines were managed safely. Risks to people were identified and managed in a way that did not restrict their freedom. People were protected by the prevention and control of infection.
One person who we could not verbally communicate with was able to express their happiness and satisfaction with the care they received and the staff who supported them by facial expression (smiles), body language and gestures.
People were comfortable in the presence of the staff and when people showed they needed assistance this was provided. We saw a person being supported in the community. The staff member showed patience and care with the person as they were crossing a road on the way to the shops, they did not rush them whilst ensuring they stayed safe.
Staff supported people to make their own decisions and choices. Staff were knowledgeable and understood the principles of the Mental Capacity Act. Where people required support with diet this was provided by staff. People were supported to receive a nutritious and balanced diet. Staff received effective training to fulfil their roles and responsibilities and were supported.
Relatives spoke positively about the care and support their family member received. They told us staff were kind and caring, maintained the person’s dignity and respected them.
People received personalised support from staff who knew them well. Staff had built positive relationships with the people they cared for and supported. Staff supported people to retain their independence and for them or their advocate to remain involved in planning and reviewing their care. This helped to ensure care was provided in accordance with people’s preferences.
There was a complaints procedure available which enabled people and relatives to raise any concerns or complaints about the care or support they received. Relatives we spoke with said they had no concerns but would not hesitate to talk with the registered manager if required.
Staff worked closely with a range of community care professionals to promote good outcomes for people. Feedback from care professionals involved with the service was very positive.
The service was consistently well-led. Relatives said they had regular contact with the registered manager and felt the service was ‘well run’. Staff felt well supported by the registered manager.
The registered manager and care coordinator carried out a wide range of quality checks and audits of the service to make sure the care and support provided was of high quality. Feedback from people, relatives, staff and care professionals was regularly sought, so they could contribute to ongoing improvements within the service. This supported the continuous improvement of the service.
Rating at last inspection: This was the first inspection since the provider registered with CQC in March 2018.
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based on the registration date. The service has met the characteristics of Good in all key questions.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor the service to ensure that people receive safe, compassionate, high quality care. Further inspections will be planned for future dates.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk