People told us; "staff are very kind and always treat us with respect"People confirmed that staff always knocked on their bedroom doors before entering.
People confirmed that the home supported them to maintain a level of independence. One person told us; "I take care of myself and look after my own medicines though the staff are always there if I need them"
Care plans did not contain evidence that people using the service and/or their representatives were provided with opportunities to be involved in the care planning and review process.
We were unable to ascertain how the home assessed people in relation to their ability to give consent.
People currently do not benefit from a staff team who have been trained in the Mental Capacity Act .
People told us that they were "very happy" with the care they received. They told us "the staff are very kind and will always help you", "you can't fault the staff they are marvellous", "I feel very well cared for and have no complaints at all"
They told us that staff were aware of their preferences and that these were respected, "They know that I like to get up at 8 o'clock in the morning", "The staff never make me do anything I don't want to do, they are so kind".
Through our observations and on discussion with staff, It was apparent that people benefit from a staff team who are aware of people's needs and preferences.
A visitor to the home confirmed that their relative was "very well cared for".
People benefit from a stable staff team who are aware of individual's assessed needs and preferences though care planning documentation is not fully reflective of peoples' assessed needs or preferences.
People told us that "the food is just wonderful", "there is always plenty to eat and you certainly never go hungry here", "the menus are displayed and we can choose what we want".
When asked people confirmed that staff were aware of their dietary preferences.
People have access to appropriate health care professionals. People said "we can always see a doctor when we need to".
Each person spoken with during our visit confirmed they felt "very safe" at the home.
People are protected by the home's procedures for safeguarding people from the risk of abuse.
People using the service can be confident that their medicines are appropriately managed and administered by staff who have been appropriately trained.
People told us; "I am very happy here and I have my own bedroom which I like very much", "I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, it is so homely here"
People also told us that they could make choices about where to spend their day; "Sometimes I like to stay in my room and sometimes I like to chat to my friends in the lounge".
"I prefer my own company so like to stay in my room" "The staff always stick their head round the door to give me a smile and see if I am alright".
People live in a homely environment which is well maintained and comfortably furnished.
People told us that the home was 'always clean and fresh smelling"
We observed people moving freely around the home and utilising all communal areas.
People are able to access their bedrooms throughout the day as they choose.
We observed staff knocking on bedroom doors before entering.
People using the service are protected from the risk of harm or abuse by the home's staff recruitment procedures
Whilst not involved in staff recruitment, people using the service were very positive about the registered manager and the staff team. They said "they are all marvellous, you can't fault any of them", "all the staff are so kind and considerate", "we are just like one big happy family".
People using the service told us that "the staff are always there when you need them". They told us that staff responded promptly to call bells.
People also said "the carers and the manager always have time for a chat with you".
Throughout the visit we were able to observe staff interacting and communicating with people using the service. Interactions were noted to be respectful and unhurried. Staff communicated with people in a kind and professional manner. People using the service were seen to respond in a positive way to staff interactions.
The atmosphere in the home was calm and relaxed with lots of laughter.
We noted a good staff presence throughout the day.
People live in a home which encourages and makes changes based on the views of people using the service. People can feel confident that the quality of the service provided is regularly monitored.
People told us that they would feel confident in raising concerns if they had any. They said "I wouldn't hesitate", "I know that I could talk to the manager or any carer if I had any concerns and I know that they would deal with it"