During an assessment under our new approach
This assessment was carried out in response to concerns raised about the care and treatment people received and the service being unrated. The service is a residential care home providing support to older people, younger adults and adults of all ages living with dementia. People were protected against harm and supported safely by a dedicated and experienced staff team. Staff understood and managed risk appropriately. Managers investigated incidents thoroughly. The provider worked effectively in partnership with other health professionals and followed their recommendations. People were supported to make their own choices and take risks. Staff provided information people could understand. The provider was responsive to people’s changing needs and made referrals appropriately to health care professionals when needed. Staff treated people kindly and gained consent before supporting people. The provider’s culture encouraged people and staff to feedback on the care provided and speak up about concerns. Staff felt supported and treated fairly by the management team. However, we raised concerns over the lack of regular recreational engagement and social activities available to people. The provider was responsive to our feedback and shared plans to improve social engagement for people living in the home.