About the service: The Abbeyfield Ferring Society, known as Cornwell House, is a care home that provides personal care for up to 20 older people. At the time of the inspection, there were 19 people living at the service. We visited the service on 25 April 2019 and received information from the service up until 30 April 2019.
People’s experience of using this service:
People told us they felt safe, they were relaxed and familiar with the staff and each other. People were cared for by a consistent and compassionate staff team who had received appropriate training to carry out their roles.
People’s dietary needs and preferences were assessed and where needed, people received support to eat and drink. Mealtimes were a social occasion.
People were supported to access health care services and they received assistance to take their medicines as prescribed.
People received care that was compassionate, respectful and responsive to their individual needs. Staff understood people’s individual needs and how to provide the care and support they needed.
Care plans were being transferred to an electronic system. They did not contain all the information that staff knew about people. The registered manager had identified this and had a plan to improve record keeping.
People and their relatives knew how to complain and were confident that they were listened to.
One person was receiving end of life care at the time of our inspection visit. The staff were proud of the care they had provided at the end of people’s lives.
The registered manager and staff shared a clear vision about the quality of care and service they aimed to provide. They worked in partnership with other organisations and the local community to make continuous improvements and develop best practice.
More information is in detailed findings below.
Rating at last inspection:
The last inspection took place in September 2016. The overall rating was Good (report published in October 2016).
Why we inspected:
This was a planned inspection based on the rating from the last inspection. The service remained rated Good overall.
Follow up:
We will monitor information received about the service to inform the assessment of the risk profile of the service and to ensure the next planned inspection is scheduled accordingly.