Neville House is a care home offering accommodation and support for up to 18 people. Five rooms were shared and eight were single. At the time of our visit there were 17 people living at the home.The inspection was undertaken by one inspector. This summary addresses five key questions: is the service safe; is the service effective; is the service caring; is the service responsive and is the service well led?
This summary is based on a visit to the home where we spoke to the manager and observed staff interactions with people using the service. We looked at records and talked in private with four visiting relatives, three people using the service two health or social care professionals and three members of staff.
The full report contains the evidence to support this summary.
Is the service safe?
The people we spoke with at the inspection visit were positive about the care provided by the home. Visitors told us they thought their relatives were safe.
Staff who we spoke with told us they believed people using the service were protected from abuse or exploitation. Comments from staff included: 'I couldn't work with poor care being delivered'; '[the best thing is] the way people are treated'; and '[safe?] very much so'.
There was documentary evidence that staff had received training in the safeguarding of vulnerable adults. This was confirmed by staff who we asked. Staff also told us they understood the need to be vigilant and, to whistle blow if necessary.
We had a quick tour of the building. This included communal areas and a small selection of people's bedrooms. No obvious hazards to people's health and safety were seen. Staff were provided with disposable gloves and aprons to help minimise the risk of cross infection.
Is the service effective?
Each individual's care needs were assessed and reviewed. A care plan was developed on the basis of the assessment. People who used the service and their relatives where appropriate could contribute to decisions about the best way to meet their needs. People who used the service and visitors who we asked, all told us they were listened to by the staff at the home.
Staff were made aware of the up to date needs of each individual. Staff told us that communication within the home was good.
Staff followed advice from health care professionals
Is the service caring?
Observations of interactions between staff and people using the service indicated a warm and caring atmosphere.
All people who used the service and their relatives spoke positively about the caring attitude and approach of the staff. Comments included: '[staff are] pleasant and interested in people'; 'I feel comfortable with them [staff]. I don't feel embarrassed or shy because they put your mind at ease' and 'Brilliant. Carers can't do enough for them [people who used the service]'.
Is the service responsive?
We did not look specifically at the service's complaints procedure at this visit. However, people using the service and visitors who we asked during our visits said they believed they would be listened to if they had a complaint. Staff were confident that the registered manager would respond positively to any issues which were raised.
People who used the service and their relatives said that they were comfortable talking to staff and believed that their views were listened to. One person told us that amongst the best things about the home was 'you can always go to anyone you need to and they will listen to you.'
There were quality monitoring and quality assurance systems in place.
Is the service well led?
The registered manager provided strong leadership and gave staff a clear understanding of what good practice was. Staff told us that the registered manager was approachable, supportive and encouraged staff to further improve their practice by attending training.
Staff also confirmed that the registered manager provided good leadership. One staff member said 'Rachel is clear and we know what we are meant to do'.
Several visitors and people who used the service commented on how approachable the registered manager was. Comments included 'you can talk to Rachel [the registered manager]. She is very good and makes you feel happier' and 'Rachel is absolutely fantastic ' can't praise her enough'.