8 May 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our findings during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, their relatives, the staff supporting them and from looking at records. If you wish to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
People and relatives we spoke with told us they were satisfied with the care and support provided by staff who worked for the service.
People were involved in planning their care and support which ensured they received the service they required.
The manager was aware of when it would be appropriate to use the Mental Capacity Act to ensure people received care and treatment that was in their best interests.
Is the service effective?
People had full reviews of their care and support needs on an annual basis.
Information in people's care and support plans was in the process of being reviewed with them to make it more user friendly and person centred. In addition to this information, daily schedules were in place to ensure staff had up to date and accurate information about people.
People were involved in planning their support. Where able, they signed their documentation to confirm their agreement with the care and support to be provided.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with six people who used the service and two relatives. The feedback we received demonstrated people were happy with the care and support provided. For example, we were told, "We have nothing but praise for all the staff, I think the care gets better over the years", "I would struggle to find a criticism", "The care and support is consistently good", "I am happy with them", "I don't have any complaints" and "They are nice to me, I like them all."
Is the service responsive?
Systems and processes were in place to monitor and respond to complaints. These clearly recorded the nature of the complaint and the action taken. The provider took steps to ensure that learning took place from complaints received and any future occurrences were minimised.
People told us they felt able to approach their keyworker, senior staff or the manager freely to discuss any concerns or complaints they may have.
Staff held monthly reviews with people to ensure the care and support they received was meeting their needs.
Is the service well led?
There were processes and systems in place to monitor the service provided. The provider used the information gathered through these processes to assess and improve the quality of service for people.
Staff understood their roles and received support and training to ensure that they were competent to provide the care and support to the required standard.