• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Dorothy House

186b Dodworth Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S70 6PD (01226) 249535

Provided and run by:
Mohammed Azar Mahmood Younis

All Inspections

27 October 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

People living in the home said they were generally very happy with the service they received and we observed staff providing support and assistance to them in a kind and friendly manner.

17, 21 February 2011

During a routine inspection

People using the service told us they had 'No Grumbles' and that staff listened and involved them in decisions about their care and support, whilst a visiting relative told us the service might not be 'All singing and dancing' (but) 'Is good care'.

People using the service and their visiting relatives told us they were consulted and involved in decisions about the support that was provided.

On the day of our visit, people living in the home were observed to look clean and well cared for, with staff interacting with them well in a sensitive and friendly manner. People using the service told us 'I do very nicely' and staff are 'Kind and thoughtful'. People living in the home confirmed they were supported to obtain help with getting assistance from a range of health professionals and there was evidence of this in their case files we inspected.

We observed a hot meal of gammon and fresh vegetables served on dinning tables that were appropriately laid, with staff giving support where this was needed. Case files belonging to people using the service contained evidence of nutritional assessments and monitoring of weight to ensure dietary needs were met and people told us they could have a cooked breakfast if they chose and that the main meal of the day was served at lunch. Some people however, were unable to tell us what was due to be served for lunch and on the day of our visit a menu board on display had not been completed. People told us they did not like some of the sandwiches they were served and that the bread that was used was not fresh as it had been previously frozen. Whilst a meeting had been held with the provider about choices of food available since our last visit, there was some evidence that this still remained an issue.

People using the service confirmed they had contact with their GP and other health care professionals when needed and their case files contained evidence their needs were being appropriately monitored.

People using the service told us they 'Do very nicely' and 'Can't complain' and staff told us the manager was 'Very Supportive' and they had a 'Good team at the moment' and those we spoke to were aware of their responsibilities to ensure people using the service are properly safeguarded from harm.

People using the service told us they were comfortable and that the home was generally kept clean. People told us that staff were 'Very kind' and 'She is very good'. Comments from people that use the service about the staff were generally very positive and staff told us the training provided was 'Excellent'.