13 February 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
We spoke with seven people and observed staff interactions with people living with dementia. People's assessed care and support needs were demonstrated to us in the care plans we reviewed. People we spoke with confirmed to us that their needs were reliably met. A visiting nurse we spoke with said, "I visit the service almost every day and I have no concerns that people's needs are not met."
Staff's safeguarding of vulnerable adults training and knowledge meant that people were supported to be kept safe. One staff member told us that if they ever witnessed abuse or suspected that it had occurred they would have no hesitation in reporting it." We saw that the provider took steps to deal with staff who were no longer safe to work with vulnerable adults.
By talking with people, including visiting nursing staff, reviewing staff shift roster and observing people's care and support, we were confident that people's needs would be reliably met. There was a sufficient number of staff available to meet people's needs including management and senior support staff throughout the day.