12 January 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We had received concerns in respect of staff not adhering to PPE protocols which had the potential to put people at risk from the Covid-19 virus. The registered manager acknowledged some staff had removed face masks to have their photograph taken during the Christmas period. The manager had taken action to reinforce the requirement for staff to wear face coverings at all times. This was being closely monitored and additional testing had taken place.
We found the following examples of good practice.
The registered manager was communicating with people, health professionals, staff and family members regularly. This was to make sure everyone understood procedures and precautions being taken, and how to keep people safe during the current Covid-19 outbreak. The registered manager worked with the care staff team to ensure infection prevention and control measures were followed.
The registered manager and other senior staff provided training to ensure staff knew how to keep people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. There were effective measures in place including the provision of PPE for staff and people visiting the service. This ensured people living and working at Fairholme had access to additional support. For example, medical and emotional support.
We observed there were effective procedures in place to support staff to follow current guidance on infection prevention and control in order to help people to stay safe. The registered manager ensured staff and people who used the service understood why the measures were in place.
The registered manager was supported by the providers, and other health professionals, including GP’s. Regular communication took place and there was a named professional designated to support the service.
When people were required to isolate, notices were available to alert staff to what was required, and what PPE was to be worn before entering the room. Systems were in place for additional checks to take place to ensure people’s wellbeing.
The service had put plans in place to effectively manage any outbreak using designated staff to prevent the risk of the virus spreading to others.
Staff helped people to stay in touch with family and friends through phone and video calls. The service had a safe visiting system, which was coordinated and meant visitors did not need to walk through the service to reach the visiting area. Appropriate PPE and screens were in place to safely support visits.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.