The vast majority of the feedback we received from the people who use the service was very complimentary about the standard of the care and support they received at Park Lodge.People we met told us staff always encouraged and helped them to make up their own minds about what they did everyday. Feedback we received included, 'I can go to the local pub for a shandy when I want', 'I bought the clothes I'm wearing to today', 'I can get up and go to bed when I want', and 'I decided to have cereal instead of toast for my breakfast today'.
People said staff always respected their privacy and dignity. Typical comments made included, 'staff always knock on my bedroom door and say - 'excuse me can I come in', 'staff give me my letters unopened', and 'I've got a key to my bedroom, which I can use to lock it if I want'.
The comments we received from people about the opportunities they had to participate in social activities they found interesting and meaningful was also very positive. Feedback included, 'I go to the pub and Covent Garden on the train sometimes', 'I like going to college to do reading'I'm going there later today', 'I go on day trips and holidays sometimes to the seaside, which I like', and 'there's always lots to do here'we do loads'. During the visit we observed staff actively encouraging and supporting people who use the service to get involved in arts and crafts.
People told us they felt safe living at Park Lodge. One person who uses the service summed this view up when they told us, 'a long time ago some staff grabbed me and pushed me out the way'I told Mr Hoozeer and they didn't come back here anymore' and 'staff are all okay here now'the owners will get rid of people who aren't nice to us'.
People we met were very positive about the owners and the other staff that worked at Park Lodge. People told us, 'staff treat us well', 'there's enough staff about all the time', and 'at night someone stays here to look after us'. During the visit we observed the owner and all the other staff on duty at the time always interact with the people who live at Park Lodge in a very kind, respectful, and professional manner.
People we met said they liked the way their home was decorated. Typical comments included, 'I like my bedroom cos I can see the cars go past my window', "I've got lots of shelves in my bedroom to keep my stuff on', and 'I didn't choose the colour my bedroom was painted, but I do like it'. All the bedrooms and communal areas we viewed were furnished and decorated to a good standard, felt very 'homely', smelt fresh, and looked very clean and tidy. The atmosphere within the service remained extremely relaxed and congenial throughout the visit.