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  • Homecare service

Atman Care

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

6 Finchley Close, Dartford, DA1 1XR 07732 686770

Provided and run by:
Atman Care LTD

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile

Report from 10 May 2024 assessment

On this page



1 August 2024

People’s care plans were highly personalised to meet their individual needs, and people had a consistent staff team providing their care and support. People were encouraged to give their feedback during monthly care reviews.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 3

People told us and relatives confirmed they had been involved in the development and review of their care plan and risk assessments. One person told us they had a weekly meeting with the registered manager to discuss their current care record and whether this required updating. This person told us they had found this meeting very helpful.

People’s care plans were personalised and developed in partnership with them and their families where appropriate. People were fully involved in decisions about their care and support and were supported to review the plans regularly.

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

People told us and relatives confirmed they had been involved in the development and review of their care plan and risk assessments. One person told us they had a weekly meeting with the registered manager to discuss their current care record and whether this required updating. This person told us they had found this meeting very helpful. Information regarding support the person received from external healthcare professionals had been recorded within their care plan.

Care and support was provided for people by staff who had got to know them well. Staff knew people’s preferences and knew how to support people in the way they wanted to be supported.

A health care professional who had previously worked with the agency said, ‘I found them to be very helpful and pleasant on the phone or via email’ and, that when the packages of care were set up the management team would always try to deal with queries and rectify them.

The staff rotas demonstrated the provider ensured continuity of care by providing the same staff teams to people wherever possible. If a new member of staff needed to join the team they would always shadow experienced care workers first.

Providing Information

Score: 3

Information was provided to people in an accessible way to meet their needs. People told us and relatives confirmed they had been involved in the development and review of their care plan and risk assessments.

One of the managers met regularly with people and their relatives to review care and support plans. Information was tailored to meet individual needs. The provider was aware of their responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulations.

Each person was provided with a service user guide which gave them important information about the company and what to expect from the provider. It had details about how to contact a member of the management team and how to raise concerns.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

There were mixed views regarding whether people felt their views were listened to and acted on. People told us and relatives confirmed their views were sought via review meetings and quality assurance visits however, one person told us they had raised concerns that had not been acted on. Another person told us their views were sought through a weekly meeting with the registered manager and changes were made as required.

Where people had raised concerns or complained, the provider investigated and made every effort to resolve issues. Details of how to raise concerns and how to escalate complaints if people were not happy with the response from the provider was included within the service user guide.

The provider had a complaints process in place and a system to log all concerns raised. Records of concerns were logged and included details of investigations, outcomes and lessons learned.

Equity in access

Score: 3

People told us and relatives confirmed that appropriate support was being received from external healthcare professionals. The contact details of any relevant external healthcare professionals had been recorded within people’s care records.

Managers ensured the care call times on the rota were in line with the times required by each individual person.

Partners had no specific feedback on this area.

The provider had equality policies in place and had a zero-tolerance approach to any kind of discrimination.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 3

People’s human rights were protected and promoted throughout their care plan. The care plan described the persons rights and how staff would support them to ensure these were being met. For example, ensuring choices were given and made by the person, ensuring the person’s individuality was maintained such as their previous hobbies and interests were continued to promote well-being and continued enjoyment. One person told us their views were sought through a weekly meeting with the registered manager and changes were made as required.

The provider complies with legal equality and human rights requirements and makes reasonable adjustments to support equity in experience and outcomes.

The provider had equality policies in place and had a zero-tolerance approach to any kind of discrimination.

Planning for the future

Score: 3

People’s views regarding care at the end of their life had not been sought as this was not appropriate for the people the agency was supporting. However, people’s human rights were protected and promoted throughout their care plan. The care plan described the persons rights and how staff would support them to ensure these were being met.

The provider did not provide any care to people at the end of their lives currently.

Care records contained details of future plans. For example, plans to move into new accommodation and become more independent; and plans to gradually reduce the amount of care and support needed. Plans were clear about how these goals would be achieved.