• Care Home
  • Care home

Talgarth Road

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

41-43 Talgarth Road, West Kensington, London, W14 9DD (020) 7603 8607

Provided and run by:
Hestia Housing and Support

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 27 September 2019

The inspection

We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (the Act) as part of our regulatory functions. We checked whether the provider was meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Act. We looked at the overall quality of the service and provided a rating for the service under the Care Act 2014.

Inspection team

One inspector carried out the inspection.

Service and service type

Talgarth Road is a ‘care home’. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as a single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection.

The service had a manager registered with the Care Quality Commission. This means that they and the provider are legally responsible for how the service is run and for the quality and safety of the care provided.

Notice of inspection

This inspection was unannounced.

What we did before the inspection

We used the information the registered manager sent to us in the provider information return (PIR). This is information providers are required to send us with key information about their service, what they do well and improvements they plan to make. This information helps support our inspections. We reviewed the evidence we held about the service. This included the last inspection report and any notifications of important events which the provider is required by law to send to us, for example safeguarding referrals and incidents when the police were contacted. We used all of this information to plan our inspection.

During the inspection

We spoke with five people who lived at the service. We also spoke with three support workers, one senior support and review worker, a social work student on a placement at the home, the registered manager and the area manager.

We reviewed a range of records, which included the care plans and risk assessments for four people. Other records we checked included four staff files for recruitment, training, supervision and appraisals, medicine administration records, the complaints file, minutes for residents’ and staff meetings, accidents and incidents records, health and safety checks, compliments and quality monitoring audits.

After the inspection

We spoke by telephone with the relatives of two people who used the service. We contacted six health and social care professionals who had experience of working with the service and did not receive any comments.

Overall inspection


Updated 27 September 2019

About the service

Talgarth Road is a residential care home providing personal care to people with mental health conditions. The service can support up to 10 people and there were nine people using the service at the time of the inspection. The home is a four-storey domestic property with a small rear garden.

People’s experience of using the service and what we found

People were provided with a safe and supportive environment. Staffing levels were arranged to enable people to have the support they needed from a staff member to attend appointments and other meetings.

People were supported by staff to receive their prescribed medicines. Where applicable people managed aspects of administering their medicines with guidance and monitoring from staff.

People were encouraged by staff to tidy their rooms and take part in cookery sessions. Staff motivated people to be as independent as possible in line with their training about how to effectively support people with mental health needs.

People were involved in the planning and monitoring of their care and support. Staff worked with people to ensure they understood their health care needs, attended appointments and adhered to guidance from health care professionals.

People and staff had developed positive relationships and we observed good interactions during the inspection. One person told us they particularly enjoyed their cooking sessions with a staff member. Another person was working collaboratively with a senior support and review worker to train interested parties about the value and benefits of co-production. People were treated with respect.

People were supported to engage in a wide range of meaningful activities within the service and in the wider community, for example day centre resources, exercise groups and adult education classes to promote their emotional and physical wellbeing. Staff encouraged people to maintain valuable friendships and relationships.

There were clear systems in place to provide people with information about their rights and entitlements living at the service, for example people knew how to make a complaint.

People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. People were consulted about how the service should be operated through residents’ meetings and co-production to organise social events.

People received their care and support from staff who felt well supported by the provider and the registered manager. Relatives felt assured their family members lived in a service that was managed in a competent and open manner.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk

Rating at last inspection

The last rating for this service was good (published 27 March 2017).

Why we inspected

This was a planned inspection based on the previous rating.

Follow up

We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If we receive any concerning information we may inspect sooner.