We spoke with five people who used the service. People spoken with were very complimentary about the level of support they received from the staff team to achieve their goals. One person told us, 'they have given me my life back. The counsellors are brilliant." Another person told us, "All of the staff work as a team and can understand how we are when we are going through the different steps.'
We spoke to people about how they felt they were involved in the running of the home. People told us that they attended regular house meetings when they would discuss any issues and pass them onto the staff team. We were also told that they completed significant event reports which could impact on the following day's programme.
We were told by people that care planning was centred around the person's needs, agreed with the individual and regular reviews were carried out with the individual.
Staff confirmed they were given the opportunity to develop their professional skills and received appropriate support from the provider to do so.
The provider had quality assurance systems in place that ensured people were safe and changes could be made to improve the service provided.