15 November 2013
During a routine inspection
We found that care plans contained clear information about a person's health and support needs and risk assessments had been undertaken to keep people safe. Relatives were involved in developing the care plans with care home staff. One person said, "I am always consulted about the care needs of my relative and we work together on it."
People living there were protected against the risk of a health care related infection. The environmental health department had awarded the home the highest possible grading for food hygiene. All areas of the home were clean and tidy and staff had received infection control training.
Medicines were managed effectively and stored correctly. Regular medication audits took place to ensure that the systems used kept people safe. Staffing levels were maintained and sufficient numbers of staff were on duty to enable the people living there to receive the levels of support and involvement in activities that were required.
The provider undertook a range of audits to assess and monitor the quality of the services they provided. People using the service, their relatives and staff were asked for feedback in an annual survey and their ideas were acted on where appropriate.