People who use the service and their relatives were satisfied with the service they receive. They said their health needs were responded to well by the agency. They also said staff were respectful and involved them in any decisions about their care. Comments included:'Respond quickly when you need them'
'Staff reassure and prompt Mum well regarding her dementia problems'.
As the service is an extra care housing scheme there is an on site caf' facility. People said they enjoyed having this. Their comments included:
'Food at the caf' is good, plenty of choice, have general meetings where we discuss food choices'
'Good food at the caf', nice choice'.
People who use the service said they feel safe and would feel comfortable discussing concerns with staff and the manager of the agency. One person said, 'Gives me such peace of mind to know Mum is happy and safe'
People who use the service and their relatives said staff maintain a clean environment and wear appropriate clothing when they are working in their home. One said, 'Manage her personal care well, always use gloves and aprons'.
People who use the service said they received good support in managing their medication. One person said, 'They give Mum her medication, when there was a problem in her not taking it, they listened to me and changed the care plan so that they now stay with her until she has taken it. '
People who use the service and their relatives spoke highly of the staff. Their comments included:
'Very nice staff, always enough of them'
'Some carers are better than others but overall I am satisfied with them all'
People who use the service and their relatives also said that staff were well trained to meet people's needs. One said, 'Staff are very 'genned 'up on dementia and understanding it, very good in their communication with Mum.' Another said, 'Staff are kind and caring and seem well trained'.
People who use the service and their relatives said the manager and care workers check that that they are happy with the care they are receiving. People said they had completed satisfaction surveys.
Other comments included:
'The manager is always around, talk to her most days, she's lovely'
'The manager occasionally pops in to see if everything is alright'
'I speak to the manager daily, she always asks if everything's alright for me and Mum'.
People who use the service and their relatives said staff and management are very good at listening to them, and any comments are taken seriously.