People told us they were well looked after at Westholme. Two people described to us how they had chosen this particular home to live in. People told us the staff helped them to understand about any treatment or support they had agreed to, for example, giving blood or having an annual flu vaccination. They also told us they were asked for their views and opinions about the service. There was lots for people to do. For example, going to college and day services as well as the local club and football matches.
We saw people were supported to take risks in order to lead an independent lifestyle. For example, where able, people were supported to travel independently.
Everyone told us they would talk to the manager or staff if they had any concerns or complaints.
We watched how the staff supported the people in their care. We saw people were treated with dignity and respect. We saw people responded positively to the staff.
We saw through staff training and meetings the staff were supported to carry out their jobs well.
Comments from people included
'Tracey (the manager) has always been there for me,'
'John (a member of staff) sorts everything for me,'
'I'm happy here' and
'I like my bedroom.'
We looked around the home and found this was not well maintained. For example, the corridor carpets were very thin and raised in places. Some of the ceiling tiles were also discoloured and cracked.