5 December 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with two of the three people who use the service and one relative. People told us that they were satisfied with the service they received. One person said, 'Staff help me when I need it.' We saw that people were asked what their likes and dislikes were. We saw staff speaking and responding to people in a pleasant and respectful manner.
We saw that the people received nutritious food in adequate quantities. One person told us, 'The food is good.' A relative told us that they had no concerns over the food provided.
We found that people were not being cared for in a clean, hygienic environment and that the premises was in need of repair.
Fire equipment was not being checked and fire drills were not being carried out which meant that people were not protected from unsafe or unsuitable equipment.
The provider had recruitment and performance management procedures in place to ensure that people using the service were safe and their needs were met by suitable and qualified staff. One staff member told us, 'You have induction records which are signed by your mentor and manager.'
People and relatives said that if they had any complaints they would speak to the manager or staff. One relative said "Staff are very approachable and will do anything to help".
At the inspection we found that care records were not always accurate and needed to be reviewed.