We inspected New Witheven on 23 January 2016, the inspection was announced. The service was last inspected in January 2014, we had no concerns at that time.New Witheven provides care and accommodation for up to ten people with a learning disability. At the time of the inspection nine people were living at the service. There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
New Witheven is located in a rural setting in North Cornwall surrounded by farm land. The service also runs a day centre and offers respite care. Within the large gardens are various outbuildings which are used to accommodate craft sessions and workshops. There is a large vegetable garden incorporating raised beds and two poly tunnels. People were involved in growing produce which one person sold from a stall at a local farmers market.
The atmosphere at New Witheven was relaxed and welcoming. Throughout the day we chatted with people and observed interactions between staff and people which were friendly and supportive. People were happy to show us around the premises and clearly demonstrated a sense of ownership and belonging towards the service.
Relatives told us their family members were supported well by staff who had a good understanding and knowledge of their needs. People were allowed to make day to day choices about how, where and with whom they spent their time. The lay out and organisation of the premises meant people were able to spend time alone or with others as they wished.
Recruitment practices helped ensure staff working in the home were fit and appropriate to work in the care sector. Staff had received training in how to recognise and report abuse, and were confident any concerns would be taken seriously by the registered manager and organisation. Any concerns had been dealt with expediently and appropriately.
People’s care documentation included clear and detailed information about their health and social care needs. Care plan reviews were held regularly and information within the plans was up to date.
Care plans contained risk assessments which had been developed to enable people to take informed, planned risks while staying safe. The deputy manager was up-dating the risk assessments to make them easier to follow and more accessible for staff and people. They were also developing one page profiles to incorporate into the care plans using pictures and simple text.
Where people lacked the mental capacity to make specific decisions the service had consistently acted in the person’s best interest. Staff had received specific training in this area and understood their roles and responsibilities.
Staff had access to regular training, supervision and appraisals. It was a small staff team and they communicated well sharing knowledge and information effectively. Staff meetings were an opportunity to contribute to the development of the service and individuals. Roles and responsibilities were well-defined. The registered manager was supported by a deputy manager who had a clear set of duties.
There were effective quality assurance systems in place to monitor the standards of the care provided. The registered manager and provider had a hands on approach and spent several days a week at the service. Relatives told us they were approachable and kept them informed of any changes in people’s health or support needs.