218 Kingsway provides long term accommodation for up to five people who require personal care. The service supports people with mental health needs.
There was a registered manager for the service. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service and has the legal responsibility for meeting the requirements of the law; as does the provider.
Systems were in place to help to keep people safe. Staff knew how to report abuse if they suspected it. They also understood how to whistleblow if they had concerns about the way the service was run.
People were assisted by enough qualified and experienced staff who effectively met their needs. The risks of unsafe and unsuitable staff being employed were minimised by suitable recruitment practices and procedures. Staff were supported by systems that were in place to ensure they were properly supervised and were able to do their job effectively.
Staff were attentive in approach and caring in manner when they supported people. They demonstrated a good knowledge of peoples’ needs and how to meet them. Care plans included the views of the people they were written about and they were fully involved in planning the care they needed.
People’s rights were upheld and staff knew about the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and how they supported people to make decisions. The requirements of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) were being met. The registered manager and staff knew when an application should be made and how to do this.
People were included and consulted about the care and support they received at the home. There was friendly and warm communication between people who lived at the home and the staff. We met people who lived at the home who were planning with staff what food they planned to buy and prepare that day.This helped to show how people were well supported so that their nutritional needs were met.
People were really well supported to take part in a number of activities. People were proactively included and involved in the way the home was run. We met people who told us how they carried out a range of household tasks and they told us these tasks were their responsibility at the home.
People’s physical health was monitored by staff and they were supported to attend health care appointments when needed.
Staff understood their roles and responsibilities, and they knew what the values and philosophy of the organisation they worked for were. The provider’s key values were to promote independence and provide care in a way that was respectful and centred on the person.
The registered manager monitored the quality of the service and used. Feedback from people was used when required to improve and develop the service.