During this inspection we set out to answer our five key questions; Is the service caring,is the service responsive, is the service safe, is the service effective and is the service well led? The inspection was carried out by one inspector over one day.
Below is a summary of our findings.
Is the service safe?
People had been cared for in an environment that was safe, clean and hygienic. We asked one person, 'Do you feel safe.' They responded 'Oh very much so, the staff are nice and helpful.'
We looked at the staff training. We noted that staff were up to date with and had received relevant training. That meant staff had the skills and experience needed to support people.
We noted from the care plans that an assessment of needs had been carried out before people came to the home. We saw evidence from the care plans that risks had been assessed and instructions on how the risks should be managed by staff was provided so that people were safe.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to care homes. We noted capacity assessments and best interest had been completed. We saw one completed DoLS' Standard Authorisation' There have been other applications for DoLS.
Is the service effective?
We noted from the care plans we had looked at that each person or their relatives had signed the service provision 'information on admission' checklist. The checklist provided information about the home including the type of care they provided.
People who used the service and their relatives had also given their consent to have photographs taken for the use of identification by the home. The staff members we spoke with said that they always consulted the people on how they would like to be supported with their personal care and other activities.
Is the service caring?
People who lived in the home spoke very positively about their experience and said they had been consulted on all aspects of their care. One relative said, 'She did not have any concerns about the quality of care for her [Relative].' Another said, 'I have no concerns about the care and the staff. They are very nice and are very busy, would like [Relative] to have some stimulating activity, particularly mid-morning when they are alert.'
Is the service responsive?
We noted that the care plans had been written from the person's perspective and were centred on their needs. The staff we spoke with told us that the care plans were easy to follow and that they were aware of people's identified needs and that they ensured that people's needs were met appropriately. Care plans were reviewed on a regular basis.
We saw the provider had a complaints policy in place. We looked at the complaints log and saw that complaints were looked at in line with home's policy.
Is the service well-led?
The provider had sent out annual surveys to residents and their families and or advocates. There were regular staff and residents meetings. We saw action plans that had been compiled from questionnaires. This meant people's views and comments were sought by the provider.
We saw that there were policies in place for infection control, moving and handling and medicine. Regular audits had taken place. We saw the provider had a business continuity plan that had contact details for suppliers in case of an emergency.