22 July 2013
During a routine inspection
People appeared happy and relaxed in the company of the staff and were seen to be engaged in discussions about the day's activities ahead. Staff were observed supporting people in a sensitive and inclusive manner.
We looked at people's personal care files to see if their care assessment documentation met their needs and we saw that they did. We received positive comments from people living in the home. People told us how staff supported them to be as independent as possible. People's comments included: "I go to the day centre for four days a week and enjoy art class, play games, do keep fit and play the guitar." "My mum comes to visit me and I go out with her."
The staff we spoke with told us "We get people involved in their lives. They make the choices and we support them."
There were systems in place to monitor the quality, health and safety of the service and showed how people living at Hall Farm Cottage had been consulted as part of this audit. Some risk assessments such as safeguarding adults to ensure the safety of people living and working in the home had been updated.