Is the service safe.The home was not safe because people were not protected from the risk of infection at the home. We observed staff washed their hands after attending to people's personal. We saw staff were not wearing disposable aprons whilst providing people with personal care. Although there were adequate supply of gloves and aprons these were not used by staff consistently. This increased the risk of cross contamination to both people who used the service and the staff members.
People were not protected from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment because accurate and appropriate records were not maintained. This was because staff did not have up to date guidance about how to provide people with the care they required.
Is the service effective?
Mental capacity assessments were not carried out appropriately. There was no evidence that decisions had been taken in the best interest of people unable to make their own decisions about their care
We saw that people had access to health services in the community. We viewed records that detailed contact with other professionals such as; doctors, chiropodists and consultants. We saw that people who were at risk of losing weight were weighed regularly and their diet was monitored.
Where there had been a deterioration noted by staff the person had been referred to the appropriate professional for an assessment. This meant that people were supported to maintain their health and wellbeing.
Is the service caring?
People who lived in the home were not always able to tell us about their experiences because many of the people live with dementia. We spent time talking with people and observing how staff and interacted with the people who lived in the home. We also spoke with relatives who were visiting.
The staff talked with people in a caring and respectful way and were responsive to people's needs. We saw staff provided encouragement to people and engaged with them in a positive way.
People who were able to speak with us said they were happy with the care they received and staff treated them in a caring way. One person told us, 'The staff are very good I am happy with the care I receive'. Another person told us, 'I'm very happy here I have no complaints. The staff look after us and I am treated very well'.
One staff member told us, 'our residents are very important to us and we do our best to provide them with high quality care. Another staff member told us 'we treat our residents with respect and dignity. We know them well and whatever they are able to do for themselves we support them and don't take it away from them'.
Is the service responsive?
Not all care plans were sufficiently detailed or up to date to give staff full information about people's needs and risks to their care.
Accidents and incidents that occurred in the home were reported and recorded accurately. Records were maintained so that actions could be put in place to prevent further accidents. Records showed that action was taken when any untoward incidents occurred and steps were taken to minimise the risk of reoccurrence. This meant that there were systems in place to make sure that people were protected from risk of harm.
The complaints system for the home showed people how to make a complaint. We saw a copy of the complaints system was displayed in the main entrance of the home. Complaints were acknowledged within five days and resolved within 28 days. We saw that a recent complaint had been dealt with by the manager.
Is the service well-led?
People were put at risk of poor care as records were not fully completed and did not give staff sufficient information about a person's care needs and these could not be monitored effectively.
A recent survey of the views of staff and relatives of people using the service had been completed and the results had been collated. Action plan had been put in place to address the issues identified
We saw the registered manager had not ensured proper checks were carried around the home. These included checking bedrooms that were in use for cleaning standards. This meant that the cleanliness of the home was below standard expected and this put the people who used the home at risk of acquired infection.
We saw the manager had arranged for regular safety checks to be carried out on fire equipment used in the home and also medical equipment such as hoists. All these measures meant the provider was carrying out on going checks to ensure the environment people lived in was safe.