Most people in the home could not verbalise, but one person we spoke with said, "I like it here." Relatives we spoke with were complimentary about the service and the staff and were confident the needs of their relatives were met. One relative said; "I trust them completely...They're very transparent and that's enourmously important." Another said; "The care is very, very good...I can call anytime to find out how [relative] is."People's individual needs were assessed and support delivered in line with person centred plans of care that met their needs and protected their rights.
We found the home to be clean and people were cared for in a hygeinic environment. The premises required some work to be brought fully up to standard.
The provider had a comprehensive recruitment policy and procedure which ensured staff were suitably skilled, qualified and of good character before they began employment in the home.
The provider had effective methods in place to assess and monitor the quality of the service provided for people. A suitable complaints policy and procedure was in place and was available in an easy to read format for people who used the service.