15 May 2013
During a routine inspection
On the day of our inspection some people were attending a day service and some people were at home participating in activities of their choice. We saw two people went out for the day with the support of two members of staff.
The relatives we spoke with told us they were more than satisfied with the service provided. They talked positively about the staff team. They said communication from the home was good and they were asked to attend review meetings to discuss their relative's needs.
Comments from relatives included, 'I'm involved in making decisions and I have signed support plans.' And 'It's the best thing that's ever happened, the atmosphere is like a family, I know (name) is cherished and well looked after.'
We saw people's human rights were respected and taken into account in relation to consent to their care. Where people did not have capacity to consent, appropriate action was taken that was in the person's best interest.
People received medication from knowledgeable and competent staff. Staffing levels were adequate in meeting people's assessed needs. Staff were deployed appropriately according to their experience, knowledge and skills.
We found records used were person centred, informative and user friendly.