2 May 2013
During a routine inspection
We observed positive engagement between staff and people who used the service, and noted that people were encouraged to make their own decisions, and consent was sought before support was given. Where people lacked the capacity to make specific decisions for themselves, the staff were aware there were processes that should be followed, to ensure best interest decisions were made behalf of the individual.
We observed people in this home were at ease in the company of the staff that supported them, and people told us the staff were kind. We found the recruitment systems were sufficient to ensure the staff employed were suitable to work in this environment.
There was a complaints procedure in place, and people who used the service knew who they should report any concerns to. However, we noted that although a summary of the complaints policy was displayed in the staff office, it was not readily accessible to people visiting the home.
Robust medication systems ensured people received their prescribed medication on time and in a way that suited their needs.