22 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We were introduced to the all people who were at home and to the staff on duty. We observed a friendly and relaxed atmosphere within the homes and it was evident that good relationships had been made between people living there and the staff.
We asked the consent of people living at both homes if it was acceptable to look around their homes and to look at some of their care records. People living at the homes showed us round and told us about how things were managed.
People we spoke with told us, 'I like my room; I picked the wallpaper and all the ornaments, the pictures and the lights'. Another person told us 'I have everything I need here, it's comfy'.
We spoke with two relatives who were positive about the care and support provide. One said, 'Any concerns I may have, I can talk to the staff about and it is dealt with as soon as possible.
The premises were clean, warm and well maintained. All people had their own bedrooms, these had been personalised with their choice of fixtures and fittings.
We looked at the care records of two people and found they included relevant health and personal information. Documentation was up to date with any changes recorded.
There were adequate numbers of staff on duty and they had received appropriate induction and training for their employment.