Our inspection was unannounced. On the day of our inspection18 people lived at Woodthorne Care Home. This manager was not available at the time of our inspection as they were on leave. The deputy manager was the main person involved in our inspection.
During our inspection we spoke with five people who lived there, four relatives and five staff. All people and their relatives we spoke with were very complimentary about the overall service and the care that was provided. One person said, 'It is a smashing place this, very good.' Another person told us, 'I am very content here'. A relative said, 'It is an excellent place. I know that they are safe and well cared for'. Another relative told us, 'If in the future I needed to go into a care home I would have no concerns about coming in here'.
The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, discussions with people who used the service, the staff supporting them, and by looking at records. If you wish to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask;
Is the service safe?
Staff knew about Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DoLS) processes. DoLS is a legal framework that may need to be applied to people in care settings who lack capacity and may need to be deprived of their liberty in their own best interests to protect them from harm and/or injury. However, the provider must look at the March 2014 Supreme Court ruling to see if they need to take any further action to ensure that people are not unlawfully deprived of their liberty.
We found that where staff had identified concerns regarding risks associated with people's health and welfare they had been referred to appropriate agencies.
We identified that the equipment that was used was serviced regularly to ensure that it was safe.
Recruitment practice required some development to ensure that it is safe and effective and not placing the vulnerable people who lived there at risk of harm from potentially unsuitable staff being in contact with them.
People were not protected against the risks associated with medication because the staff were not following arrangements in place to manage medication safely.
We found that instructions that had been produced if an evacuation was required were not precise enough. They did not capture all risks that may present if an evacuation.
Is the service effective?
All people, relatives and staff we spoke with told us that people who lived there were safe and well cared for which gave assurance that an effective service was provided.
People had their needs assessed and staff knew how to support people in a caring and sensitive manner. The majority of care records showed how they wanted to be supported and people told us they could choose how this support was provided.
Staff received support from senior staff to ensure they carried out their role effectively. Staff we spoke with told us that they felt well supported.
People told us they could make choices about their food and drink. We saw people were provided with a choice of food and refreshments and given support to eat and drink where this was needed.
Arrangements were in place to request heath, social and medical support to help keep people well.
Is the service caring?
We found that care and support was provided with kindness and compassion. All people and relatives we spoke with were very positive about the staff. One person told us, 'The staff are so kind'. A relative told us, 'This is a very caring place. The staff care about the people here very much'.
The staff knew of people's care and support needs which ensured that individual personal care was provided in a way that people preferred.
Is the service responsive?
We found that meetings were held to enable people and relatives to raise any issues they wanted to. This showed that the provider was willing to listen to the views of the people who lived there.
When people became unwell the staff noticed this and secured appropriate medical input.
We found that the provider had taken note of our previous concerns and had learnt from past experiences. For example, some aspects of the recruitment process had improved which reduced the risk of unsuitable staff being employed.
We found that staff had implemented the heat wave policy as the weather was very warm. They offered and encouraged people to drink at least every hour and offered ice creams and ice lollies during the afternoon.
Is the service well led?
The owner/provider of Woodthorne is also the manager. The home is registered with us as is required by law.
The staff were confident they could raise any concern about poor practice at the home and it would be addressed to ensure people were protected from harm.
Staffing was generally organised to ensure people's needs were met and support was available for activities.
Overall, we found that training was available for staff and most of the required training had been received.
We identified that staff did not always follow policies and instructions particularly concerning medication management. This placed the people who lived there at risk of ill health.