We visited the office of the agency and checked the agency's complaints and compliments records. The majority of comments were positive. We noted that there were two negative comments that had been dealt with to the satisfaction of the people who had made them. We visited two people in the home where they live with care staff from the agency who supported them. We spoke with one person who told us that they liked the place where they lived. The person explained that they signed the contract, which specified the time when they would be in the house to receive care and support in a planned and organised way. People felt that they had 'enough support'. The person told us that they were aware of their care plans and records that the agency kept in their home. They stated that they read what is written about them each day.
People were pleased with the support they received, which allowed them to take part in activities away from home. Both had been to London with staff support.
A person spoken with was extremely pleased with the support they had, allowing them to re-establish good contacts with their family.
Both people enjoyed and appreciated that their independence was promoted and encouraged.