11 June 2012
During a routine inspection
One relative told us, 'I find staff to be very proactive and they will let us know of any changes or concerns to my relative. Either staff or the family will contact the doctor for any signs of ill health'.
Four people told us that they felt safe using staff from this agency. Two people commented that they would prefer not to have too many new faces to care for them.
Two relatives told us they had regular contact with the agency and remained involved in their relatives care needs. In this way they were provided with feedback from the service in how their relatives needs were being met.
One person wrote, 'I could not manage without the help of the staff at the agency especially in the morning when I really need this help'.
Another person wrote, ' thank you for the support and encouragement from all the care workers. I now have a level of mobility, independence and self esteem that I would not have believed possible 6 months ago'.