Archived: Good Neighbours House

38 Mary Datchelor Close, London, SE5 7AX (020) 7703 7451

Provided and run by:

All Inspections

3 December 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four of the nine people who lived at the service; we also spoke with a visitor; with a professional involved with the service and with three members of staff, including the manager. We found people who live at the service, and their representatives were satisfied with the service provided. One person told us that they liked the staff and enjoyed spending time with them, another person said "I think it's good here".

An external professional told us that the service had helped people with a range of needs and some were particularly complex, they felt that the care provided was good.

A visitor told us that they felt there was always "a good atmosphere" in the home and they enjoyed coming to visit.

We found that the staff team were committed to their work and were supported and trained to work well. People who live at the service were treated with respect and staff understood how to protect their dignity and privacy.

We observed there to be sufficient levels of staff to meet the needs of people using the service.

16 June 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

People who use the service told us during our visit on 16 June 2011 that staff listened to them and treated them with respect. They were able to talk to staff about what they wanted to do and staff supported them to take part in activities outside Good Neighbours House, to go shopping, to plan and prepare meals, and to entertain relatives. They said that staff provided the right kind of care and support. People told us that they felt able to talk to staff if they had any concerns or complaints, and that the service manager was approachable and responsive.

People also told us that staff had always given them the correct medicines and that they were confident that their money was being looked after properly.

People were able to discuss the running of the home at their monthly meetings. For example, they had talked about the home's refurbishment programme, had planned activities and menus, learned about what constitutes abuse and Scope's procedures for dealing with concerns of abuse, and had worked through the fire evacuation procedure.