5 November 2013
During an inspection in response to concerns
We conducted this visit because safeguarding concerns were raised by the service, and to follow up on one area of non-compliance raised at the last inspection in March 2013. Concerns had been raised by staff with senior managers at Scope that people were not treated with dignity and respect. The provider had taken immediate action in response to these concerns, including suspending some staff and appointing an interim manager. The provider worked closely with the local safeguarding team and action was being taken to prevent suspended staff from working in other care settings whilst investigations were on-going.
People were protected from the risk of abuse because the provider had systems in place which meant they had responded immediately to safeguarding concerns. Immediate actions taken ensured that people were safe and their needs were met by skilled and experienced staff.
We found that people were treated with dignity and respect. We saw that care workers treated people with genuine care. People's physical care needs were met. People were not always meaningfully engaged in social activities. Care records were not always accurate.
The provider had taken action to improve the quality of the service. However, the provider did not have appropriate systems to seek the views of people or their relatives.