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  • Care home

Archived: Daresbury Court

11 Daresbury Court, Chorleys Lane, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 3HS (0151) 420 8103

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All Inspections

1 May 2013

During a routine inspection

The person living at Daresbury Court said that they were happy living in the home and that the staff members supporting them were good. We were told; 'I like it here'.

Menus and shopping for food were planned and undertaken with the person who lived in the bungalow. This was done by discussing likes/dislikes and what he felt like eating. This provided a very flexible menu.

Policies and procedures in relation to medication were in place.

We did not have any concerns regarding either the numbers or suitability of the staff members working at the home. The person using the service and the staff members we spoke to were very positive about the home and the standard of support that was being provided.

The team coordinator for Daresbury Court met the person living there regularly. This meant that information about the quality of service provided was gathered on a continuous and ongoing basis with direct feedback.

13 December 2012

During a routine inspection

The people using the service said that they were happy living in the home and that the staff members supporting them were very good.

During our inspection we saw there was good communication and understanding between the members of staff and the people who were receiving care and support from them. We observed people being supported with their daily life activities for example helping to prepare for a Christmas shopping trip. The people we met with appeared relaxed, comfortable and at ease with the staff. It was evident staff had a good understanding of what was important to each person, for example, preferred clothes, preferred meals and social arrangements.

Information about the safety and quality of service provided was gathered on a continuous and ongoing basis with feedback from the people who used the service.

29 December 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke to two people who use the service. They stated 'I am happy here', 'I am keeping well', 'They involve me with what is going on', 'I come and go as I please', 'Staff are great',' I know how to complain', 'I can do whatever I want', 'I like it here and they are good at looking after me'.