We inspected this service on 31 October 2016. The inspection was announced. This meant the registered provider and staff knew we would be visiting. The registered provider was given 48 hours’ notice of visit, because the location provides a domiciliary care service and we needed to be sure that someone would be in the location offices when we visited.ExtraCare Charitable Trust Brunswick Gardens Village is a domiciliary care agency and is registered to provide personal care to people living in their own homes. At the time of our inspection, the service supported 82 people who lived in apartments or bungalows on the Brunswick Gardens Village site in Woodhouse, a suburb, south-east of Sheffield.
Brunswick Gardens Village is a complex comprising of 217 one and two bedroom apartments and bungalows. The village has a range of facilities including a restaurant, bar, fitness suite, greenhouse, IT suite, hairdressing and beauty salon, shop, laundry and library.
People living at Brunswick Gardens Village, including the people who received a domiciliary care service from ExtraCare Charitable Trust Brunswick Gardens Village, rent or own their flats or bungalows. ExtraCare Charitable Trust Brunswick Gardens Village has an office on site from where the domically care service is managed and provides care and support, to some of the tenants, on a prearranged basis at certain times during the day. ExtraCare Charitable Trust Brunswick Gardens Village were not responsible for the running or maintenance of people’s flats, communal areas or other facilities.
ExtraCare Charitable Trust Brunswick Gardens Village was last inspected in April 2014 when it was found to be compliant with the regulations in force at that time.
The registered provider is required to have a registered manager in post. On the day of our inspection, there was a registered manager in post and they had been the registered manager since October 2010. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
During this inspection, we found that people who used the service were kept safe by staff who were trained to recognise and respond to safeguarding concerns. There were effective recruitment systems in place to ensure only people considered suitable were employed. Risks to people who used the service were identified, assessed and proactive steps taken to ensure care and support was provided in a safe way which minimised the risk of avoidable harm.
There were systems in place to ensure people who used the service received their prescribed medicines. Robust checks were completed to monitor the management of medicines and appropriate action taken where any shortfalls were identified.
We found that sufficient staff were employed to meet people’s needs. Staff received regular training, supervision and support to enable them to provide effective care and support. The registered provider employed a wellbeing advisor to support people who used the service to access healthcare services to promote and maintain their health and wellbeing.
Where necessary, staff supported people who used the service to make sure they ate and drank enough. Staff understood the importance of seeking consent and supported people who used the service to make decisions in line with statutory guidance.
People who used the service told us staff were kind, caring and treated them with dignity and respect. We observed that staff were caring and people were supported to make decisions and have choice and control over the care and support they received.
People’s needs were assessed and person centred care plans developed to guide staff on how best to meet people’s needs. The registered provider had a system to manage and respond to compliments and complaints.
People who used the service and staff told us ExtraCare Charitable Trust Brunswick Gardens Village was well-led. There was an effective system of quality assurance checks to monitor the care and support provided.