Background to this inspection
3 March 2021
We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider is meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2008.
As part of Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) response to the coronavirus pandemic we are looking at the preparedness of care homes in relation to infection prevention and control. This was a targeted inspection looking at the infection control and prevention measures the provider has in place.
This inspection took place on 15 February 2021 and was announced.
3 March 2021
About the service:
Melrose Care Home is a 26 bedded home that provides nursing care and support to elderly frail people, specialising in end of life care and people with long term health conditions. At the time of inspection there were 25 people living at the home. It is also registered to provide personal care to older people in their own homes and at the time of inspection five people were being supported.
People’s experience of using this service:
The management of the service had instilled an outstanding culture of care and support. Without exception people and their relatives said that the service provided by Melrose was of an exceptionally high standard. People were extremely confident in the management of the service and spoke very highly of the dedication and enthusiasm of the provider, registered manager and team of very caring staff. They maintained their professional knowledge and commitment to people and had received awards which recognised the level of commitment and dedication by management and staff. Relatives said they would “highly recommend” Melrose to others.
A provider of another home who worked closely with Melrose told us, “The registered manager is amazing and is the pillar of Melrose, she is hands on and knows exactly what is going on in the service. She is supportive to staff and has never had a Christmas off in 20 years. Nothing is too much bother.”
People received exceptionally high-quality care that met and exceeded their needs. The management and staff team went above and beyond to ensure that people’s care and preferences met their expectations, with people’s wellbeing, independence and happiness at the heart of the service. People and their relatives said how the service was responsive to their individual needs and circumstances which gave them reassurance and peace of mind that their loved ones were well cared for. One person said, “Your individuality is respected by all staff and care is delivered with dignity.”
Activities for people were innovative and highly regarded by people and relatives. The service went the extra mile to ensure that people were involved and empowered in the planning of activities to reduce social isolation and improve well-being. One relative told us, “Carers are always looking for ways to stimulate residents through activities. My mother loved the faces of the alpacas that came in, it was a real highlight.”
End of life care was delivered with the utmost thought and compassion by staff who showed a deep sense of empathy. The service went above and beyond to ensure people had a dignified and pain free death.
People were overwhelmingly positive about the quality of the food and enjoyed socialising with each other in the dining room. Extensive thought had been given to the environment of the service to give a home from home feel. The furnishings and décor were of an especially high standard.
Staff were exceptionally competent in their roles, demonstrating deep compassion, understanding and empathy. People felt they genuinely mattered and felt important. Positive relationships were developed between staff and people and they knew each other well, with people saying they always felt respected by staff and that their privacy, confidentiality and dignity were maintained.
The service was safe, with systems and processes which ensured that any concerns were reported to appropriate authorities without delay. One visiting professional told us, “This is a safe place because it has a workforce who really want to be here. Compared to some other Care Homes it is a ’home’ as in a ‘real home’. They have fun here, they don’t want gloom and doom.”
People had access to health and social care services as needed. The staff and management team provided strong support and worked openly and professionally with external professionals which supported people to receive a coordinated and consistent service.
Rating at last inspection: Good [Last inspection report published on 22 July 2016].
Why we inspected: We completed a planned inspection based on the previous rating of Good.
Follow up: We will review the service in line with our methodology for 'Good' services.