We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask;' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well led?
This is a summary of what we found.
Is the service safe?
We found that people were treated with dignity and respect. They told us they felt safe and would not wish to live anywhere else.
We found that the service had procedures in place to monitor the safety and quality of the service provided. Each person had received an assessment on their mental capacity and each person had been judged to have capacity. Records in care plans showed individual care and support needs were assessed so that they could be met safely. Risks had also been assessed and acted upon to minimise these are far as possible.
People were supported safely and correctly with their dietary needs. Meals and drinks were monitored and special diets listed for staff to follow.
All staff had received training in safeguarding and were aware of how to ensure people were safe and protected from possible abuse.
The monitoring and audit systems in place ensured that the service provided was offered safely and correctly.
One area of the home was a concern due to wheelchairs obstructing a fire exit. However, this was dealt with immediately and the obstruction removed to ensure people's safety was not compromised in the event of a fire.
Is the service effective?
Relatives told us that this was the right home for their family member. They told us their views were listened to about all aspects of the care and support provided.
People living in the home were spoken with in meetings or on a one to one basis to gain their views. They told us they voiced their opinions and action was taken when requests or concerns were raised.
We found a supportive line management structure in this home that monitored the quality of the service to measure the effectiveness of the quality of the service provided.
People who did not have close family support were assisted with an advocacy service provided by 'Age Concern'.
Is this service caring?
Throughout the day we overheard or observed interactions between staff and people living in the home. We heard choices offered, respect given, time given for people to do the task themselves, assistance when needed and encouragement to promote independence.
People we spoke with praised the staff team saying they were all good. Relatives and the GP praised the manager and the staff team for their caring approach to all aspects of the care and support provided.
Is the service responsive?
Where people were assessed as requiring more support than could be offered by the home further professional support was sought. Professionals were involved quickly to support people with their health needs. The GP told us that the home was effective. They said, 'The staff know the people well and act and communicate with the surgery quickly.'
Meetings had been held and areas for improvement that were highlighted were acted upon. Improvements had also been introduced since the last inspection where ideas had been discussed and acted upon. Staff told us the manager had an open door policy and that they could and would voice any issues and that they would be acted on.
Although no-one had made a complaint the people we spoke with told us they knew how to complain and that the complaint would be acted on. We were told by the people living in the home and relatives how responsive the manager was and how any issues they may have were addressed quickly.
Is the service well led?
Heathcote had a registered manager in post who knew all the people in the home. They told us how they varied their time of arrival to ensure they would meet all staff to gain their views and monitor the service at different times of the day.
A quality monitoring system was in place comprising of audits, meetings, questionnaires and spot checks.
The home manager had registered with the care Quality Commission in March 2014. People using the service and the staff spoken with told us the management was good. They told us they were listened to and action was taken when appropriate.