About the service:Oak Lodge Care Home provides nursing and personal care for up to 41 mainly older people.
People’s experience of using this service:
People’s medicines were not safely managed and accurate care and monitoring records were not always in place or able to be located. The manager took immediate action to resolve the concerns we identified.
People told us that they felt safe at the service. Staff were overall safely recruited to ensure they were safe to work with vulnerable people.
There were sufficient staff available to support people however we did see that people were left in the communal lounge areas without support and had to wait for assistance. This was brought to the attention of the manager who said they would address this immediately.
The environment was clean and free from unpleasant odours.
The new manager had made improvements to the attendance of staff training and ensured that where appropriate any outstanding deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) had been made since they took up post.
People told us they enjoyed the food provided and their dietary needs had been catered for. They had access to the healthcare support they needed.
People were using the main communal area as both a lounge and a dining room. This was because the home was in the process of being refurbished. Work was well underway into changing the former dining room into a new spacious, open plan conservatory type lounge for people to use. Most of the bedrooms and corridors had been refurbished.
There was a calm and friendly atmosphere at the home. Overall people spoke positively about the staff. They told us they were treated with dignity and respect and their independence was promoted.
An activities co-ordinator who also had the role of quality assurance manager for people who used the service and relatives had recently returned to the home. People had started to see an improvement in activities and further developments were planned and would be put in place once the new lounge area was finished.
Feedback about the manager was very positive. The management structure had changed with two staff members supporting the manager in day to day operations and quality assurance.
One of the manager’s priorities for continuous improvement was promoting wider accountability and responsibility, which should in turn will strengthen the staff team.
The manager had made many improvements. They had introduced new management systems that had improved day to day oversight and communication at the home. The manager was in the process of ensuring that staff consistently incorporated the changes they had into routine everyday working practices.
However, we found shortfalls in the safety of medicines management for nursing patients at the home and in nursing patient records. The manager took immediate action to rectify the issues including contact with the supplying pharmacy and the local clinical commissioning team for support to make the improvements needed as quickly as possible.
Because of these issues identified we have changed the rating from good to ‘requires improvement.
Rating at last inspection: At the last inspection the service was rated Good (July 2016)
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based on the rating of the service at the last inspection.
Improvement action: Please see the ‘action we have told the provider to take’ section towards the end of the report
Follow up: We will continue to monitor the service and carry out a further inspection within 12 months.