30 November 2017
During a routine inspection
This service was not required to have a registered manager. This was because they were providing daily care and support to the person. There were no other employees at this service.
At the last inspection, the service was rated Good. At this inspection we found the service remained Good. We found that the service continued to meet all relevant fundamental standards.
Staff understood how to protect people from abuse and they described the actions they would take to report any allegations of abuse. Staff received training in safeguarding adults and understood types of abuse. Staff had access to support and training that increased their knowledge and supported them in their caring role. There was enough staff available to care for people safely.
Risks to people were identified. Clear guidance was developed for staff about how to manage known risks to keep them safe. The recorded accidents and incidents that occurred at the service. Lessons were learnt from these and the outcome used to improve the service.
At the time of the inspection the person was not supported with the administration of medicines. The registered provider had a process in place for the safe management of medicines if this was required.
The registered providers had developed working relationships with external health and social care services. This helped to ensure that appropriate care was arranged and delivered to people using the service.
The environment met the needs of people that lived at the service. The design and layout of the service met the needs of people.
Staff were caring at the service and knew how to protect people’s dignity and privacy in a compassionate way. Care records were produced in a format that people with a learning difficulty were able to understand.
Assessments were completed that took into account people’s views and opinions. Care records accurately reflected people’s care and support needs.
Staff knew the person they cared for well. Staff supported them with their daily tasks, including personal care and support with meals and their nutritional needs.
People are supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
The registered provided support to ensure that the service was managed well. The registered provider completed internal audits of the quality of care provided to people. People were asked for their opinion and feedback about the service. The registered provider had developed partnership working with external health and social care agencies.