About the service: Abbeleigh House a residential care home that was providing nursing or personal care for 38 people at the time of the inspection, some of whom were living with dementia. Accommodation was provided in a purpose-built home across two floors, with communal areas on each floor.
People's experience of using this service:
¿ People, relatives and care professionals told us staff were kind, friendly and helpful. However, we found that the service was not always responsive because the activities provided did not always keep people engaged.
¿ Care was personalised and tailored to meet people's needs. Staff knew people and their relatives well. People and their relatives were involved in the assessment of their needs and planning of their care.
¿ The service was safe, clean and well maintained. Risk assessments were completed and staff had received training in the safeguarding of adults. Staff knew the procedures to follow in the event of allegations or suspicions of abuse.
¿ The design of the home and the facilities available took into account the needs of people who used the service.
¿ Staff received support, supervision and training to enable them to provide care that people needed.
¿ People were supported with eating and drinking.
¿ Staff were caring and compassionate.
¿ People's medicines were well managed and people were confident they received their medicines as prescribed.
¿ The registered manager received support from the provider and deputy manager to be able to run service effectively.
¿ People and their relatives were asked for their views about the quality of the service. Actions were put in place to make improvements as a result of feedback.
¿ For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
Rating at last inspection:
¿ At the last inspection, published on 24, October 2016, the service was rated ‘Good’.
At this inspection, the rating for the service continues to be ‘Good'.
Why we inspected:
¿ This was a planned inspection which was based upon the previous rating.
Follow up:
¿ We will continue to monitor intelligence we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If any concerning information is received we may inspect sooner.