People using the service expressed satisfaction with the service and told us that'It's friendly, it's very nice here' and that 'I'm very happy here'.
They said that their visitors were made welcome when visiting the care home and they could entertain visitors in the privacy of their own room. People confirmed that when assistance with personal care was given their dignity and privacy was respected. They told us they were encouraged to be as independent as possible and to make decisions about how they spend their time. 'You can join in the activities, if you want to'. People living in the rehabilitation unit were pleased with the progress they were making and with the equipment in use to help them regain their mobility and independence. 'The handle on the frame of the bed helps me to get to a sitting position'.
Respect for religious and cultural needs was appreciated by people using the service. 'We have Bhajans and then we have exercises'. People told us that they could make decisions and said 'They let me choose'.
People told us that suggestions that they have made have been put into practice. They gave the recently established fortnightly film club as an example. People told us that card games, singing and painting were some of the activities taking place. Although most people who use the service were pleased with the activities that were arranged, one person said that they were bored. 'There's nothing to do. That's why I am here (in their room)'.
Staff talked to people using the service and explained what they wanted to do before providing care. They were aware of the need to obtain consent and of the person's right to refuse. Strategies were in place to gain consent in a manner that respected the dignity of the person using the service. People who used the service told us
'You know what's going on' and 'You know what they are doing'.
Although when speaking with people they were often unaware of their care or support plan they were satisfied with the care received and with the assistance given to enable them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 'They give me the help I need and want'.
When asked about the meals provided people told us
'The majority of the food is very nice. There is usually a choice of two main meals and a roast dinner on Sundays'.
'The meals are lovely. The cook is good. There is a good variety'.
They confirmed that 'if you don't like it they offer something else'. They agreed that portion sizes were good and said 'You can have more if you want it'.
They told us that they were encouraged to drink plenty of fluids when the weather was hot.
People using the service told us that support is given so that they can access health care services within the community and that when they are ill 'the office will call the GP for you'. A person said 'The OT and physiotherapist come to see me'.
People told us that they felt safe living in the home and safe with the members of staff supporting them. Names were given of who they would speak to if they were worried about anything or if they were upset and these included the names of members of staff working on their unit e.g. the person's key worker or one of the managers. Comments included
'Yes, I am safe'.
'I can talk to (name of member of staff given)'.
People living in the home told us that the home was kept clean. They said that
'It's always kept clean' and that cleanliness was a consistent feature of both communal and private areas. Cleaning of these areas took place during our visit. Praise was given when talking about the domestics and the laundry service.
'If something needs doing I will tell the domestic'.
'There is a very good laundry service'.
The personal hygiene of people who use the service was good and contributed towards their self esteem and they looked clean and tidy.
When asked about the medication that people who use the service were taking they commented
'I take a couple of pills, calcium, I asked what they were for and they told me'.
However not everyone was aware of what the pills were for. Overall they were satisfied with receiving support and told us
'I'm happy for them to bring me my pills. I'd never remember. They watch until I swallow them'.
People told us that there was a homely atmosphere in Dell Field Court and that the two resident cats helped to create this. They appreciated their single bedrooms that had en suite facilities.
'It's good having your own room and your own bathroom. It saves having to share'.
They were satisfied generally with their accommodation.
'I have a nice room with a good view from the window'.
They told us that the care home was 'nice and warm' and said that their rooms were comfortable and sufficient in size.
'It's one of the best Fremantle homes. It's like a 5 star hotel'.
They confirmed that there was an ongoing maintenance programme and referred to painting, decorating and changing light bulbs.
People living in the Asian unit showed us the communal areas and bedrooms. Wall hangings, pictures, decorations and temples gave people an environment in which they felt comfortable and respected. People told us that members of staff were knowledgeable about their needs and there was a good rapport between members of staff and people using the service. They were comfortable in each others company and people told us that members of staff were competent and that 'they know what they are doing'. Gujarati speaking people who use the service appreciated members of staff working in the Asian unit who spoke both Gujarati and English. Comments made about the staff team included
'They do everything you need'.
'The staff are very good'.
People told us that the members of staff were 'polite and respectful'.
'The staff are very good. They are helpful, kind and caring'.
When asked whether there were sufficient carers on duty to meet their needs they told us 'I think so' and 'Yes, as far as I know'. They told us that at night
'The carers come quickly'.
The manager and an Asian resident greeted each other in Gujarati. Another resident said 'she is the best manager'. People in all the units confirmed that the manager 'is very nice. She comes around to see us'. People confirmed that they saw the manager when she visited the units, on a regular basis. She addressed people by name and was aware of any current concerns or problems that they might have. People told us that they were able to go to speak to someone if they had a matter that they wanted to discuss. Overall people were satisfied with the quality of the service provided and had not had cause to complain. They told us that
'I go to the residents' meetings. They ask if there are any complaints and try to iron these out'.
'I'm always happy'.