30 October 2013
During a routine inspection
We found people's need and risks assessments were completed by staff and involved people's relatives or advocates. We also found people had annual placement reviews which covered all areas of care needs. People's care records we looked at showed that external healthcare professionals were involved in planning and delivering people's care and welfare needs when required.
We found staff were trained in safeguarding and knew where to find the safeguarding policy. Staff told us and we saw evidence that they followed safeguarding procedures when incidents took place and knew who to contact in the event of a safeguarding issue.
Staff had received mandatory training, job specific and specialist training and we saw evidence of on-going training records. This meant people were supported by staff with the necessary qualifications and knowledge to meet their care needs.
We found that the provider regularly monitored the quality of the service provided and developed action plans accordingly. The action plans from the last audit were completed within agreed timescales. This meant that people received safe and effective care in a safe environment.