This inspection was unannounced and took place on the 31 July and 2 August 2017.Old Raven House (to be referred to as the home throughout this report) is a home which provides residential care for up to 36 people who have a range of needs, including diabetes, people living with sensory conditions such as hearing and slight loss as well as people living with dementia. At the time of the inspection 36 people were using the service.
The home comprises of a period property with a purpose built extension with front and rear gardens which offers seating areas for people, relatives, visitors and staff to enjoy. The garden also contains hutches for two rabbits and two guinea pigs which are used in animal therapy sessions.
On the ground floor the home has living accommodation with communal areas including lounges, dining rooms, a conservatory and a sun lounge which faces to the front of the house. On the ground floor there is a kitchenette area where people, relatives, staff and visitors can make hot and cold drinks. The ground floor also has a hairdressing business and salon which is also available for use by members of the public. The first floor is accessible by one main staircase which has an operational stair lift. The first floor comprises of living accommodation. Communal bathrooms and accessible toilets are available on both floors.
The home has a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. However, the policies and systems in place did not always support this practice. It had not always been clearly documented that where people lacked the capacity to make specific decisions for themselves that actions taken on their behalf were always in their best interests. Immediate action was taken following the inspection to ensure these decisions were documented fully. Staff sought people's consent before delivering their care and support.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards which apply to care homes. The registered manager showed an understanding of what constituted a deprivation of a person's liberty by the correct submission of relevant applications to ensure people were not deprived of their liberty without legal authority.
People using the service told us they felt safe. Staff understood and followed guidance to enable them to recognise and address any safeguarding concerns about people. People's safety was promoted because risks that may cause them harm had been identified and guidance provided to staff to help them manage these appropriately for people.
People were supported by sufficient numbers of staff to meet their needs. The provider was able to adapt their staffing levels appropriately when required in order to meet changes in people’s needs.
Recruitment procedures were fully completed to ensure people were protected from the employment of unsuitable staff.
People received their medicines safely; senior staff were responsible for managing medicines and had received the appropriate training to enable them to complete their role safely. Medicines were stored, administered, disposed of and documented appropriately.
Contingency plans were in place to ensure the safe delivery of people's care in the event of adverse situations such as a fire or flood which may result in the loss of their living accommodation. These were accessible to staff and emergency personnel such as the fire service, if required to ensure people received continuity of care in the event of an on-going adverse situation which meant the home was uninhabitable.
People were supported by staff who received appropriate training enabling them to meet people’s individual needs. Staff received regular supervision to ensure they were supported in their role.
People were supported to eat and drink safely whilst maintaining their dignity and independence. We saw that people were able to choose their meals and were offered alternative meal choices where required. People's food and drink preferences were documented in their care plans and were understood by staff. People were supported to eat and drink enough to maintain a balanced diet.
People’s health needs were met as the staff and registered manager promptly engaged with other healthcare agencies and professionals to ensure people’s identified health care needs were met and to maintain people’s safety and welfare.
People told us that care was delivered by kind and caring staff who sought to meet their needs and ensure they were happy. We saw that people had friendly and relaxed relationships with staff who would stop and speak with them as they moved around the home.
Care plans and risk assessments contained detailed information to assist staff to provide care in a manner that respected each person's individual requirements and promoted their dignity. People were encouraged and supported by staff to make choices about their care including how they spent their day in the home.
People’s care plans and risk assessments were reviewed monthly or sooner when required to ensure they remained accurate to enable staff to effectively meet people’s needs.
People knew how to complain and told us they would do so if required. Procedures were in place for the registered manager to monitor, investigate and respond to complaints in an effective way.
The provider’s values were communicated to staff. Staff understood these and relatives told us these standards were evidenced in the way care was delivered.
The registered manager and staff promoted a culture which focused on being open, honest and inclusive, empowering people to share their care experiences. The registered manager provided strong positive leadership and fulfilled the requirements which would be associated with their role as a registered manager.
The registered manager had informed the CQC of notifiable incidents which occurred at the service allowing the CQC to monitor that appropriate action was taken to keep people safe. Quality assurance processes were in place to ensure that people, staff and relatives could provide feedback on the quality of the service provided. People were assisted by staff who were encouraged to raise concerns with the registered manager.
The quality of the service provided was reviewed regularly by means of effective quality control audits. These were completed to identify areas where the quality of the service provided could be improved. We could see action had been taken to address where any shortfalls in the service provision had been identified.