We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask; Is the service safe?
Is the service effective?
Is the service caring?
Is the service responsive?
Is the service well-led?
This is a summary of what we found-
If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
People's care records contained assessments which covered the risks associated with staff providing the care and support they needed. This helped to ensure that people who used the service were safe because staff had taken action to identify and assess the risks to their health and wellbeing.
People told us that they felt safe. Safeguarding procedures were in place and staff understood how to safeguard the people they supported.
There were systems in place to help ensure that suitable and competent staff were recruited to care for people who used the service.
The deputy manager was aware of the processes to follow to ensure that staff who were no longer fit to work in health and social care were referred to the appropriate bodies.
Systems were in place to ensure that the service learnt from incidents and accidents, comments and complaints.
We found that the service was not always able to respond to people's needs in a timely manner as it was not consistently operating at the staffing levels determined by the provider.
Is the service effective
People's needs had been assessed and care and support was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plans. Care plans were detailed and regularly reviewed to ensure they remained up to date.
There were effective systems in place to reduce the risk, and spread, of infection. The provider had an infection control policy which had due regard to the Departments of Health's Hygiene Code of Practice. We observed that the home was clean and hygienic. One relative told us, 'The cleaning staff are very good'they don't just clean, they move things around to make sure it is really clean'.
Staff we spoke with were informed about people's needs and were able to tell us about the care they provided. This information was consistent with what was recorded in people's records.
The service worked effectively with other providers to ensure that people received co-ordinated care, treatment and support.
Is the service caring?
People were supported by kind and attentive staff. Staff treated people with dignity and respect and we saw that care was delivered in an unhurried and sensitive manner. One person told us that the staff were, 'Very kind, they could not treat me any better'. A relative told us, 'The staff are top notch, they are second to none'.
People's preferences, likes and dislikes had been recorded and care and support was provided in accordance with peoples wishes.
Staff were able to tell us how they anticipated people's needs, for example, by making sure that their pain was managed, or that a person who was photosensitive to light did not have their room too bright.
Is the service responsive?
The service had measures in place to review people's needs on a regular basis to ensure that their care plans remained up to date and reflected their current needs.
People knew how to complain and told us that they were confident that action would be taken where necessary.
Is the service well led?
The service had a consistent management structure that maintained oversight of the home and provided leadership to the staff team. The management team were supported by a provider who visited the service regularly. One relative told us, 'The owners are very good, they muck in and you see them around the place'.
The deputy manager was able to demonstrate a good knowledge of the needs of people who used the service and their care and support needs.
People knew how to complain and told us that they were confident that action would be taken where necessary.
Staff told us that they felt part of a team and that the manager was approachable. One staff member told us, 'Coming to work here was like a breath of fresh air'.if you need training, you just need to speak with the manager and they have it covered'. Another told us that there was 'Good teamwork, the manager is approachable'its not like coming to work'I feel part of a family'.
The service had a robust quality assurance system in place to monitor the quality of the service and identify where improvements could be made.