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  • Care home

Archived: Life Opportunities Trust - 13 Devon Way

13 Devon Way, Hillingdon, Middlesex, UB10 0JS (01895) 235432

Provided and run by:
Life Opportunities Trust

All Inspections

4 February 2014

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three members of staff and one person who uses the service. The people using the service had different levels of needs which meant they were not all able to directly share their experiences with us. Therefore we used a variety of other methods to gain information about people's experiences, such as observing interactions between staff and people using the service, reviewing care records and speaking with staff.

We saw evidence of best interest meetings as the home was moving towards providing supported living accommodation. Consultations had been held with people and, where appropriate, their relatives to ensure the move to supported living was in people's best interests.

People were involved in the care and support they received. The person’s care records we viewed described how the person could make daily choices about their lives. We saw staff offer people choices during the inspection visit.

Overall the home was being adequately maintained. There were some areas requiring attention, for example, the carpet in the communal hall and on the stairs was in places stained and thinning. Which we were informed this would be replaced but we were not given a date for when this would be addressed.

There were systems in place to audit and review how the home operated.

People’s care records had not always been accurately reviewed and updated to ensure they contained information that was relevant to the person’s life, so that staff could support them appropriately.

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We inspected the service in May 2012 and found that the service needed to make some improvements in Outcome 13. During the May 2012 visit we found that not all the permanent and bank staff were up to date with medication training.

On this occasion we did not visit the service or speak to people who use the service. Following the May 2012 visit the manager provided us with evidence that the service was now compliant in Outcome 13. We saw a training record showing what training permanent and bank staff had attended and all staff had now attended medication training. The manager will continue to monitor the training staff need to receive or attend to ensure they can carry out their roles and responsibilities effectively.

9 May 2012

During a routine inspection

We were not able to speak fully with people using the service due to their communication difficulties. However, through gestures and simple responses to questions, one person indicated that they were happy at the home and showed us their room which they had personalised with their own belongings.

People expressed their views and were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment. We saw minutes of monthly residents' meetings which were attended by all of the people living at the home and members of staff. The minutes recorded likes and dislikes as well as preferences expressed by the people who received care.

There were appropriate support plans in place for people using the service who needed help to manage their behaviour. Each person in the service had access to a key worker who supported that person where possible in attending appointments related to their care.