This inspection took place on 22 March 2017 and was unannounced. This meant the registered provider did not know we would be visiting the service. A second day of inspection took place on 23 March 2017 and this was announced. Rivermead is a nursing home that can provide care and accommodation for up to 69 older people. At the time of this inspection 63 people were using the service. The service is located in Norton, which has local amenities. Norton is very close to the market town of Malton, which has more services and rail links. The home has two distinct units. Those people with general nursing needs are cared for on the Westow unit, whilst those who have care needs primarily associated with dementia are cared for on the Malton unit.
There was a registered manager at the service who registered with CQC in December 2011. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
We found that people were protected from the risk of avoidable harm or abuse because the registered provider had effective systems in place to manage any safeguarding issues. Care workers received training on safeguarding adults from abuse and understood their responsibilities in respect of protecting people from the risk of harm.
The registered provider had systems and processes to record and learn from accidents and incidents that identified trends and helped prevent re-occurrence.
Systems and processes were in place that helped to identify risks associated with the service’s environment and when providing care and support with people. Associated care plans enabled people to live at the service in line with their wishes and preferences with minimal restrictions in place.
Where people required support with their medicines this was done safely and people received their medicines as prescribed. Medicines were stored securely and staff competencies in this area were monitored by management.
Systems and processes were in place that ensured sufficient numbers of suitably trained and competent care workers were on duty to meet and respond to people’s needs and provide additional one to one support throughout the day. Pre-employment checks on employees were completed that helped to minimise the risk of unsuitable people from working with adults who are at risk.
Staff received a thorough induction when they joined the service and competency assessments were completed at regular intervals to ensure they were providing appropriate support. Staff received regular supervisions and appraisal where support, guidance and opportunities to develop were discussed.
Care workers had received training and understood the requirements of The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the registered provider was following this legislation. Applications to deprive a person of their liberty had been submitted to the local authority when required.
People usually consented to care and support from care workers by verbally agreeing to it. Records included provision for people or their representative to sign their agreement to the care and support they received.
People were supported with a wide choice of food at meal times. Any special food requirements were catered for and people spoke positively about the meals on offer. Snacks and hot and cold drinks were available for people throughout the day. Staff were available to offer support with meals where needed.
People were supported to maintain their health and we saw evidence of close working relationships with other professionals. This was documented in people’s care records. Staff were deployed effectively which was demonstrated in how swiftly they responded to people’s requests.
All members of staff demonstrated a clear understanding of people’s individual needs and preferences and the importance of encouraging people to remain as independent as possible. They were caring and put people at the centre of everything they did. We saw staff treating people with dignity and respect and people we spoke with confirmed this.
A range of activities, to meet both people’s individual requests and as a group, were provided on a daily basis. People spoke with enthusiasm about these activities and we found that activities were well attended at the service.
People told us they felt well supported and able to raise issues with the management team, should they be unhappy. We observed a warm and friendly atmosphere in the home
The registered manager continuously monitored the quality and safety of the service. Where shortfalls were identified, action was taken. Feedback was sought from people, relatives, visiting professionals and staff through questionnaires and regular meetings. The registered manager used this information to implement improvements at the service.
Links with the local community were well established and Rivermead had taken part in research projects with local universities, the Clinical Commissioning Group and local NHS trusts. The registered provider held memberships in a number of recognised bodies that looked at driving improvements within health and social care.