- Care home
Report from 21 May 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment 26 June to 16 July 2024.
Greenacres provides residential care and support to people within a residential setting in Banstead Surrey. Greenacres is one of a group of homes owned by a national provider, Anchor Hanover Group. The service provides support for up to 63 people, many of whom are living with dementia, physical disabilities, older age and frailty. This assessment was prompted by information of concern received by CQC and the length of time since this service was last inspected. Concerns raised included increased number of falls; risk management; safe environments and delays in reporting incidents. At this assessment, we reviewed 6 quality statements in Safe and Well-led only. The rating did not change and remains good.
People's experience of this service
There was a positive culture within the service. People spoken with were very happy living at Greenacres and told us they were supported by staff who understood their needs and knew how to keep them safe. Comments included, “I think staff are well trained, they seem to do things which are competent and know what they are expected to do for me.” People told us the home environment was well maintained, and said, “The home is very clean and very well maintained.” We received positive
feedback from people about the leadership of the home, including, “This place is run absolutely fantastically.” People were safeguarded from abuse through systems and processes that protected them. Staff had a clear understanding of their responsibilities under safeguarding, while the provider understood their regulatory responsibilities. People were supported by sufficient numbers of competent staff who were involved in the management of risk to their care and support, while the provider assessed risks to people and put guidance and actions in place to mitigate these. Health care professionals told us staff worked closely with them to promote good outcomes for people. People, staff and relatives spoke positively about the management team and told us the management team was approachable and open to feedback and discussions about people’s care. The quality of people’s care was supported by effective quality assurance and reporting systems.