Updated 13 August 2024
Date of assessment 23 August to 29 August 2024 Linwood is a residential care home for up to 67 people in one adapted building across three floors. Linwood provides care to older people who may have a physical disability or may be living with dementia. On the day of the inspection there were 66 people living at the service. This was a responsive assessment as there had been concerns raised about the service and how it managed risks to people, the governance of the service and learning from accidents and incidents. We found no evidence to support these concerns.
People told us they felt safe being supported by the service. Staff knew how to identify, and report concerns. Systems were in place to record, report and investigate any concerns. Risks were well managed, and a robust risk assessment process was in place. Risks were regularly reviewed and updated appropriately.
The service was well managed with a management team who worked well together. There was a clear management structure which aided the smooth running of the service. People and relatives told us the service was well-led and they knew the management team. Staff worked well together and felt supported by the management team. The provider had effective quality assurance systems which were used to improve care. Learning from accidents and incidents was shared with staff and used to keep people safe from harm.
The service is rated Requires Improvement and until we have assessed more quality statements in Effective, Caring and Responsive the rating for this service remains the same