We carried out the inspection of Anchor Trust (The Laureates) on 6 October 2017. At the time of our inspection there were 21 people using the service. This was an unannounced inspection.Anchor Trust (The Laureates) provides a personal care service to people living at The Laureates retirement property located in Guiseley on the outskirts of Leeds. The retirement property consists of apartments which people had purchased. A range of facilities were provided as part of this package. The domiciliary care office was located in the same building as the apartments. Apartments were located at a ground, first and second floor level with a lift for access.
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People were complimentary about the service they received. They said they had developed a good relationship with staff and felt safe, as staff knew them well. They said staff arrived on time or rang them if they were running late.
People told us they never felt rushed and enjoyed their time with staff. They said staff promoted their privacy and dignity and supported them in a caring manner.
People were aware of how to make a complaint and would confidently raise any issues of concern or abuse, if required.
Staff supported or prompted people with their medicines in a safe way and documented all administration in line with the provider’s policy.
The staff and registered manager regularly asked people for their opinion of the service and we found that people were fully involved in the development of their care plan. People told us the service was responsive to their needs and their visit took place at a time which was convenient to them. They said the office staff were flexible and able to change their visit at short notice if needed.
Peoples care records were person centred and created around their needs. Regular reviews were completed to reflect people’s current support needs. People told us they received their care in line with their requirements.
Any risks had been identified and risk assessments formulated when working with people. These records made it clear to staff how risks should be minimised. Environmental assessments were completed before people came to use the service.
Staff told us the consistency of visits enabled them to develop relationships and know people's likes and dislikes. They said they were given sufficient time to travel from one person to another and had adequate time within each visit to support people effectively. They said this meant they were rarely rushing or running late for visits.
Staff told us they had the required training to do their job effectively but could ask for additional support if they were not sure about a particular topic. Staff told us they were very well supported and received regular informal and formal support from the management team.
The service was well managed with clear leadership. The registered manager was committed to improving the service further.
There were enough staff to support people effectively with focused recruitment taking place to accommodate new care packages. People were given consistency through the allocation of their visits. Regular audits, telephone interviews or visits to people were effectively monitoring service provision.