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  • Care home


Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ (01737) 858950

Provided and run by:
Anchor Hanover Group

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 21 May 2024

Dates of assessment 12 June to 26 June 2024.

Ridgemount provides residential care and support to people within a residential setting in Banstead Surrey. Ridgemount is one of a group of homes owned by a national provider, Anchor Hanover Group. This assessment was prompted by information of concern received by CQC and the length of time since this service was last inspected. Concerns raised included staff shortages; poor staff deployment within the home and unsafe moving and handling. The rating at our last inspection (published 20 August 2021) was requires improvement. At this assessment, we reviewed 9 quality statements in Safe, Caring and Well-led only. The rating did not change and remains requires improvement.

People's experience of the service

Updated 21 May 2024

People felt safe living in the service, cared for by staff who knew their risks. One person said, “Yes they do [understand individual risks] because I can communicate with them. I walk with my frame, I’ve just taken a walk to reception and I’m fine, they know that.” However, some people told us that whilst staff were well trained, there were times when they felt there were not enough staff around to assist them in a timely manner. They told us, “You don’t see many about to be quite honest. Sometimes you have to wait a long time for things to be done.” People told us the home environment was well maintained, “Yes it is and room is all fine too. The maintenance guy is really good. We put pictures in [service user’s] room and he put them up straightaway,” and “Oh yes, the cleaner comes in every day and any odd bits are taken away in a bag.” People and their relatives told us staff were caring, The staff always offer us a cup of tea and a piece of cake when we come in. I can’t fault the staff, they

are really kind and good.” We received mixed feedback from people about the leadership of the home and how it was managed. One told us, “Yes I think it is well managed, I’ve never had to complain about anything” and “Yes, I believe it is [well managed] because of the care that they give.” However, others said, “No, if this was managed better it would be great here. They don’t seem to communicate with each other very well, which I find very odd.”