18 July 2013
During an inspection in response to concerns
We observed staff interacting well with people and lots of activity during our inspection. For example, one person returned from the shops with refreshments, another person was assisting the activities co-ordinator in the garden planting vegetables and a group of people were attending a line dancing session.
We spoke with two people who used the service and one family member to help us understand the views of people who used the service. The people we spoke with were happy with the service.
One relative told us 'I'm absolutely 100% happy. If they tried to move (person) I would move heaven and earth to keep (person) there.'
Another person told us 'She's [registered manager] been talking to me hours this morning.'
We spoke with the registered manager and two key workers during our inspection.
We found that the staff we spoke with understood the needs of the people they cared for.